Did Boardwalk Hit Casting Jackpot? Missing DemonDean? Can Elsa Bundle Up? Palicki-est TV Week? And More Qs!
We’ve got questions, and you’ve (maybe) got answers! With a new week of TV gone by, we’re lobbing queries left and right about shows including Revenge, The Flash, Person of Interest and Supernatural!
1 | Though Hawaii Five-0 boss Peter M. Lenkov confirmed as much on Twitter, shouldn’t Danny have checked to see if his brother was, in fact, inside the barrel?
2 | How old is Belle’s phone on Once Upon a Time?! Can someone lend Elsa a cardigan, for when hanging out at the Charmings’ or the cop shop? (She makes us chilly!) And TVLine reader Danielle muses: “Once won’t do an animated Olaf, but a walking broomstick is acceptable?”
3 | Isn’t it getting kind of nuts that The Good Wife‘s Alicia hasn’t had a single onscreen convo with Cary or
Diane about her run for office? And did this side-by-side of the Florricks send you down Memory Lane?
4 | Now that a Russian bigwig has hit up her husband for a favor and a senator has harassed her daughter about foreign policy, which of Madam Secretary‘s kin is next on the list for highly inappropriate lobbying?
5 | On Revenge, how did the FBI — which presumably traveled from New York City — get to the Hamptons so quickly after David Clarke was arrested? And how did Louise gain entry into Daniel’s penthouse? (Isn’t the whole idea behind such rooms that the riffraff can’t just ride the elevator up?)
6 | How wrong is it to find The Walking Dead‘s cannibal cook Gareth sexy? That wrong? Sigh. That’s what we were afraid of.
7 | The Emmy for Outstanding Flashback Casting goes to… Boardwalk Empire?
8 | Do you think the writers for the DC Comics-based Gotham giggle each time they have a character refer to the MCU?
9 | When Sleepy Hollow‘s Ichabod wailed, “Abbie!” over his partner’s lifeless body, was it the saddest thing you heard all week? Plus: Could you get behind a Jenny-Hawley (re-)hook-up?
10 | Can The Originals just get Esther back in Alice Evan’s body?
11 | How is it fair that three of Blake’s six Voice Battle Round matchups got reduced to the dreaded “Montage Treatment” — versus two for Gwen, one for Adam and zero for Pharrell? Is the country coach’s voting bloc so loyal that NBC needs to put his contestants at a competitive disadvantage?
12 | How long did it take you to realize that Selfie‘s Father McMoney was the Old Spice guy?
13 | Given her simultaneous appearances on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and About a Boy, wasn’t it a good week to be an Adrianne Palicki fan?
14 | Are you kind of bummed Supernatural‘s Demon Dean arc was so short? And have angels always been able to purify demons?
15 | A “deluxe” hotel room, in New York City, for $200? Is Person of Interest finally stretching credulity?
Speaking of said hotel: How cool was this through-the-floor/ceiling shootout?
And is Cara Buono’s character coming off a bit too Terminator-like (assuming Martine is in fact not a robot)?
16 | Is The Flash’s Barry showing a bit more chemistry with Caitlin than with Iris? And if Dr. Wells “targeted” Barry, does that mean he meant for the particle accelerator to malfunction, and thus is responsible for all the other metahumans milling around town?
17 | With all the stunt pieces filmed on the streets by Arrow and now The Flash (see our set photo, right), must the people of Vancouver almost feel like they live in a comic-book city?
18 | So, um Sons of Anarchy… in what universe would a street prostitute consider a job at Diosa — the scene of a recent mass murder that left nearly 20 escorts dead — a wise career move?
19 | Which of The 100‘s miraculous survivors should have actually been offed: Raven, Bellamy, Finn or Jaha?
20 | Freak Show’s Dandy and Glee’s Blaine — separated at birth?
21 | Show of hands: Who thinks that Kiley’s son on Nashville actually was fathered by Gunnar’s dead brother? Also, how was Juliette showing enough that her bump was rubbing up against her tour costume… yet no one (aside from Noah) noticed it while they were filming the nude scene?
22 |
Has there ever been a baby gift less appropriate (or more hilarious) than the “Stabbing Victim Knife Holder” Web Therapy‘s Fiona purchased for Baby Angus?
23 | On How to Get Away With Murder, couldn’t/wouldn’t the D.A. have checked courthouse cameras to see who left the nullification memo for a juror to find? And are we imagining things, or is there just a tiny current of sexual tension flickering between Connor and Asher?
24 | Why didn’t Scandal’s Jake mention the packet of evidence he showed up at the Oval Office to show Fitz?
25 | When did Parenthood‘s Drew become the wisest Braverman? (Or Holt, as it were.)
Hit the comments with your answers — and any other questions you care to throw out there!
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