Congressman-elect Dan Crenshaw talked to 'SNL' star Pete Davidson following scary social media post
Saturday Night Live star Pete Davidson has received some unexpected support, after posting a troubling message on social media over the weekend.
“I really don’t want to be on this earth anymore,” Davidson wrote in part.
Following his post, Davidson deleted his Instagram account. He appeared live on Saturday’s episode for only a few seconds, to introduce musical guest Miley Cyrus. Page Six reported that SNL producer Lorne Michaels has “pledged to help all he can” and even Davidson’s former fiancée, Ariana Grande, reportedly tried to see him.
Now, Congressman-Elect Dan Crenshaw, a Texas Republican, has revealed that he’s also reached out to Davidson in the last few days. That’s somewhat surprising, considering that the two met only after Davidson made a controversial joke about the veteran-turned-politician on SNL.
Davidson made fun of Crenshaw’s eye patch, which he’s worn since losing his eye while serving in the military in Afghanistan, on a November episode of his NBC show. Then, during the following episode a week later, Davidson apologized to the vet on air, during the “Weekend Update” segment of the show. Crenshaw was there in person to accept the apology and talk about the importance of Americans forgiving one another. Of course, he also joked about Davidson’s appearance — after all, it is Saturday Night Live.
Davidson’s alarming post prompted Crenshaw to check in with his acquaintance once again.
Responding to what appeared to be a call for help from comedian Pete Davidson, @DanCrenshawTX with me for #HouNewsmakers EXTRA talks about his response and phone call.
— Khambrel Marshall (@KPRC2Khambrel) December 17, 2018
“I talked to him personally [Sunday],” Crenshaw told Houston NBC affiliate KPRC. “We don’t go back very far. We’re not good friends. But I think he appreciated hearing from me. I told him everyone had a purpose in this world. God put you here for a reason. It’s your job to find that purpose. And you should live that way.”
He told Davidson to understand that he has value.
“Especially a guy like that: Sometimes he makes people laugh. Sometimes he makes people mad,” Crenshaw said. “But he makes people laugh a lot. It was a good conversation.”
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