All The New Characters We Met In "The Book Of Boba Fett" So Far
Wednesdays belong to Fett! Here are all the new characters we have met so far:
??SPOILER WARNING?? If you have not watched the latest episode, TURN BACK NOW!
Madam Garsa Fwip
She's the owner of a cantina in Mos Espa called "The Sanctuary." She welcomes Boba Fett's reign with a handsome offering to both him and Fennec Shand when they first meet. Her allegiance is unknown, but it seems like she just wants to protect her business.
The Mayor's Majordomo
He's not the mayor, but he does serve as the steward to the mayor. In short, he is basically what Bib Fortuna was to Jabba the Hutt. He boldly brings no offering to Boba Fett, and even informs him that the mayor demands one of his own. This Twi'lek better hope Boba isn't the type that will eventually shoot the messenger.
Mayor Mok Shaiz
Mayor to Mos Espa, Mok uses a translating device mounted on speak Basic (a native language in the Star Wars universe). It is unclear what his intentions are, but he sends Boba out to discover the Hutts are back in town.
The Twins
We don't know the names of the twin Hutts...yet. They make it clear to Boba that they still lay claim to the criminal empire left behind by Jabba, and Mos Espa is still their territory. It appears the sister has a lot of say in the final decisions, but the brother does all the public speaking.
The Twins' Gladiator
Not much has been shown about this guy, but we, as an audience, know a Wookie when we see one. If Chewie was capable of great feats of strength, imagine what this villainous-looking furball can do. The fanbase already believes this might be bounty hunter "BK" from the Star Wars comic series Doctor Aphra, but we will see.
The Gamorrean Guards
These two are the definition of ride or die...or live. Even after Bib Fortuna's death, they remained loyal to their previous masters, well, until Boba suggests that they should serve him. The two space pigs submit their loyalty to Fett, but Fennec Shand calls it a "bad idea."
Tusken Chief
Little is known about this tribe of Tusken Raiders, but it is clear that this one is the chief. He has allowed Boba Fett to live after helping defeat a weird Clash of the Titans-looking creature. As seen in Episode 2, he welcomes Boba as part of their tribe.
Tusken Warrior
One of the coolest new characters in the show. This Tusken Warrior has helped train Boba Fett in means of fighting with a Gaderffii stick. She is also played by Joanna Bennett, who has done stunt work for both Marvel and DC films.
Tusken Kid
Without Tusken kid, we might not have Boba Fett. After Boba defeats the creature that attacks them, the Tusken kid tells the tale to the whole tribe, only helping the legend of Boba Fett grow.
Not a protocol droid, but 8D8 does a fine job managing visitors inside Jabba's...well, I guess Boba's Palace. Voiced by the irresistible Matt Berry of What We Do in the Shadows.
The Rodian Prisoner
We all know some jerk like this guy. We don't know his story, but he ratted out Boba when he tried to escape from the Tusken Raiders. It's to be assumed that this guy was killed by the four-limbed creature's hand(s).