Chapel Hart Make Their Grand Ole Opry Debut! Go Behind-the-Scenes with the <em>AGT</em> Standouts in Nashville
Chapel Hart Make Their Grand Ole Opry Debut! Go Behind-the-Scenes with the AGT Standouts in Nashville
Our debut performance at Grand Ole Opry. The Opry band and staff are amazing people and we enjoyed our debut so much that it really is hard to put into words.
Chapel Hart Make Their Grand Ole Opry Debut! Go Behind-the-Scenes with the AGT Standouts in Nashville
A little bit of heaven here. Walking on to the stage for the very first time was beyond a thrill for all of us. We grew up listening and playing country music and to be in this moment is our dream coming true. You just say "breathe" to yourself over and over or ask someone to get us a can of oxygen. Ha!
Chapel Hart Make Their Grand Ole Opry Debut! Go Behind-the-Scenes with the AGT Standouts in Nashville
Standing ovation! (Three for the night!)
Chapel Hart Make Their Grand Ole Opry Debut! Go Behind-the-Scenes with the AGT Standouts in Nashville
An on-stage group hug.
Chapel Hart Make Their Grand Ole Opry Debut! Go Behind-the-Scenes with the AGT Standouts in Nashville
After our performance, we were met by Opry staff to sign our first Grand Ole Opry appearance poster. Magic!
Chapel Hart Make Their Grand Ole Opry Debut! Go Behind-the-Scenes with the AGT Standouts in Nashville
We could not have felt more loved to have our family here with us tonight. We are a tight one and one with over 100 cousins to boot. If we were to take a head count of family members supporting our debut, it would probably be around 50 or more and we loved it. This night will go down as one of the most amazing nights. We felt blessed, loved and in awe as we stood in the "circle" surrounded by our parents.
Danica's mother Jelonda Hart, Danica Hart, Danica and Devynn's father Kevin Hart, Devynn Hart, Devynn's mother Paula Hart, Trea's dad Earnest Smith, Trea Swindle and Trea's mom Alice Smith
Chapel Hart Make Their Grand Ole Opry Debut! Go Behind-the-Scenes with the AGT Standouts in Nashville
The moment the curtain went down on the Saturday Night Opry.. As you can see in this pic, we basically lost it in our group hug. Again this dream became a reality and we will be floating on the clouds for a long time.
The trio from Poplarville, Mississippi stepped into the circle for the first time on Saturday night — and received three standing ovations!