Which Celebrities Have Gone to Jail for Defending Their Causes?
While participating in a protest against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in Bismarck, North Dakota, the Divergent actress was arrested — and she streamed the whole ordeal via Facebook Live, including getting charged with criminal trespassing. Woodley was released from jail later that day. "She appreciates the outpouring of support, not only for her, but more importantly, for the fight against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline," her rep told PEOPLE.
In 2012, the actor was arrested for participating in an organized protest outside the Sudanese embassy in Washington, D.C., with the goal of bringing attention to the country's humanitarian crisis. (The president, Omar al-Bashir, had created a blockade of humanitarian aide.) Clooney was taken away from the protest after authorities told him three times to leave. "This is for the government in Khartoum to stop randomly killing its own innocent men, women and children. Stop raping them and stop starving them. That’s all we ask," the actor said, according to USA Today.
The actress was one of seven people arrested and charged with burglary in 2012 during an environmental protest in New Zealand. Lawless and six Greenpeace New Zealand activists had boarded a Shell-owned oil-drilling ship to prevent it from leaving port.
In 2012, the actress was arrested for protesting the creation of the Keystone XL pipeline in Texas — she reportedly stood on equipment on landowner Eleanor Fairchild's farm to halt the construction. Hannah was charged with criminal trespass and resisting arrest, and after paying her $4,000 bond, she was released later that day. (This was the actress's second brush with the law — she was also arrested for protesting the construction of the oil pipeline in Washington, D.C.)
In 2012, the Sex and the City actress was arrested during a protest demanding better funding for public schools. She was joined by 11 other protesters who had blocked the entrance to N.Y.C.'s City Hall and sang, "We Shall Not Be Moved."
The actress was arrested along with 219 other people on the 13th day of protesting the police shooting of unarmed African immigrant Amadou Diallo in N.Y.C. in 1999. "If we're not here today, then we're saying that what happened is acceptable and normal, and I think that does a disservice to the other police," said the Oscar-winning actress. "I think it's time we focus on this issue, and racial profiling is not acceptable. I don't think we want to be made safe at the expense of our civil liberties."
The actor and 75 other protestors were taken away in handcuffs after a demonstration at New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory — the birthplace of the atomic bomb — on the 54th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki in 1999. Sheen and his fellow protestors were speaking out against the lab's continuing production of plutonium pits.
[Pictured: Sheen getting arrested while protesting military involvement in space exploration at the Vandenberg Air Force base in 2000.]
While participating in a protest against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in Bismarck, North Dakota, the Divergent actress was arrested — and she streamed the whole ordeal via Facebook Live, including getting charged with criminal trespassing. Woodley was released from jail later that day. "She appreciates the outpouring of support, not only for her, but more importantly, for the fight against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline," her rep told PEOPLE.
Shailene Woodley, who was arrested on Monday for demonstrating against the Dakota Access Pipeline, isn't the only star who's gone to jail for protesting