Camila Cabello faces her toughest 'Voice' decision yet: 'I'm going home!'
The Voice Season 22 Battle Rounds continued Tuesday, with new coach Camila Cabello facing her toughest moment yet. But this difficult situation was her own fault, since she’d made the baffling decision to pit her two most interesting contestants against each other. (I’d call this a rookie mistake, but even Blake has done this way too many times on The Voice — and it’s always frustrating.)
“They’re pop, but they’re weird — and I like that!” was Camila’s reasoning for pairing Eric Who and Sydney Kronmiller for a theatrical, slow-burning rendition of Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi.” But even though I dreaded possibly bidding an early farewell to one of these singers (Camila had used — or some might say wasted — her one Save during her first Battle of the season, on Stephen McMorran, and only Blake Shelton and John Legend had Steals left in play), I was hyped for how dra-ma-tic this Battle would be. In fact, Camila wrote “DRAMA” in big letters on her notepad during this dynamite duo’s rehearsals.
Sydney came to the competition with an almost superhumanly deep, resonant tone, which Team Camila guest adviser Charlie Puth said had “haunting qualities” and Camila said was literally unlike anything she’d ever heard before; Blake even told Sydney, “Your voice is shocking; if it came on the radio, I’d turn it up.” But Eric was no vocal slouch either, and he was sucha star, definitely delivering the more magnetic performance. Gwen Stefani gushed, “I couldn’t keep my eyes off Eric. You have this alternative aura and edge about you, but yet you sing like a soulful pop singer. … You won me on that level.”
Overall, this was a winning duet, every which way. Everyone — the coaches, the crowd, the contestants — was feeling this, with Eric and Sydney totally stankfacing each other in the ring and Camila throwing her hands up, testifying.
A “so stressed” Camila agonized over her verdict, slamming her head down on her red desk and yelling, “I’m going home!” while Gwen said smugly, “See? Now she’s really feeling what the Battles are all about!” Camila eventually chose Eric, who really was serving that Gaga realness with his over-the-top delivery, but she was clearly sad to see Sydney — someone she’d claimed was one of the contestants she was most excited about this season — go home so soon. I was disappointed too. Let this be a lesson to the newbie coach, to think more about her long-term Save strategy when the Knockout Rounds happen!
Read on for Tuesday’s other Battles, including one — spoiler alert! — that did end in a well-deserved Save.
TEAM BLAKE: Benny Weag vs. Brayden Lape, “Pretty Heart”
Shy Brayden, age 15, has only been singing a year and a half, so Benny, a 29-year-old experienced performer and a divorced man who could relate to the heartache of Parker McCollum’s song, seemed to have the advantage here. However, Parker McCollum is a country artist — something the naturally twangy Brayden is, while Benny specializes in pop — so it seemed like Blake might be trying to slant the competition in Brayden’s favor. At first, this didn’t work. Brayden may have had what adviser Jimmie Allen called a pleasant “John Mayer vibe,” and had Mayer-esque heartthrob qualities, but Benny’s voice was the one that cut through. But Blake apparently had his mind made up, saying he found Brayden’s “youth and experience” quite “endearing.” So, the country acts stuck together, which I suppose wasn’t a huge surprise.
WINNER: Brayden Lape
TEAM BLAKE: Eva Ullman vs. Ansley Burns, “Wildest Dreams”
This Battle was montaged, with none of 16-year-old Ansley’s performance shown at all. But judging from how Ansley goofily grinned and kidz-bopped onstage while 21-year-old Eva was seriously singing, it seems like she wasn’t at all ready for prime time. “I think we can really see the contrast in the development and experience,” Blake said matter-of-factly.
WINNER: Eva Ullman
TEAM LEGEND: SOLsong vs. Morgan Taylor, “Die for You”
This was another montage, but at least this time we got to hear both contestants sing a bit. They both sounded strong in this little snippet, but John picked Morgan for her “powerful and beautiful tone” and overall greater confidence, which seems fair. Oh, SOLsong, we hardly knew ye.
WINNER: Morgan Taylor
TEAM GWEN: Daysia vs. Julian Aslanli
Another montage! I guess with this season’s supersized batch of contestants — 56, instead of the usual 48 — this was bound to happen. Only Daysia got her time to shine here, but even though Gwen said Daysia “has some growing to do” and is a “diamond in the rough,” I am going to assume Gwen might the right call here. “Daysia’s special,” Camila noted.
WINNER: Daysia
TEAM LEGEND: The Marilynds vs. Parijita Bastola, “How Deep Is Your Love”
“There’s nothing better than when siblings harmonize; it’s like a blend you can’t duplicate,” guest adviser Jazmine Sullivan said as she observed Marilynds sisters Lindsay and Kasey in rehearsal. Given that this Battle featured a harmonic classic by an actual sibling act, the Bee Gees, it seemed 17-year-old soloist Parijita would be outnumbered and upstaged here; the Battles are always so awkward and lopsided when it’s two-against-one. But while the sisters’ vocal blend was gorgeous, Parijita absolutely held her own, so much so that the Marilynds sometimes even seemed like her backup singers. But it’s no wonder John finally decided to use his Save on this Battle, because both contestants had something to offer. I think this was the right call.
WINNER: Parijita Bastola / SAVED: The Marilynds
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