Big Boi Explains Why You Didn’t See OutKast Play the Super Bowl

Image via Scoopnest
Big Boi appeared on ESPN’s “The Dan LeBatard Show” today and talked about his new collaborative project with Phantogram, the aptly titled Big Grams.
They’re performing this Sunday for a Seattle Seahawks halftime show, but it’s not the first time Big Boi’s been invited onto a football field. During the interview, the rapper revealed OutKast was offered to perform at the Super Bowl to perform “Hey Ya” and “The Way You Move,” but had to turn it down because “André didn’t want to split the songs up.”
“He didn’t want to cut the songs,” Big Boi explained. “He wanted to perform both songs in full and they didn’t give us enough time to do it so we passed.” Big Boi went on to say he tried to change André 3000’s mind “a lot,” but that they both laugh about it now. No explanation for the birdseed breath.
Related: Watch a mini-documentary on OutKast’s Stankonia.
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