'Batman v Superman' Killed Off an Iconic Character and Nobody Knew It

First things first, we’re spoiling Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, so watch your butts. Batman v Superman had a lot of characters from the Superman comics, duh. Aside from Supes, there was Lois Lane, Martha Kent, Perry White … Jimmy Olsen. Yeah. Jimmy Olsen. Don’t feel bad if you didn’t notice Clark Kent’s shutterbug friend in the movie — the filmmakers never introduced him by name.
Olsen was played by Michael Cassidy. Cassidy was the photographer accompanying Lois Lane in Africa. As you recall, they break open his camera and find a GPS tracker inside it. It’s revealed that he’s a CIA operative, and that gets him killed. That’s right, in the opening moments Jimmy Olsen is killed. But why, you ask? For that, we turn to director Zack Snyder.
He told Entertainment Weekly, “We just did it as this little aside, because we had been tracking where we thought the movies were gonna go, and we don’t have room for Jimmy Olsen in our big pantheon of characters. But we can have fun with him, right?” Fun? Killing off an iconic character for no good reason is fun? Guess we know why there are no less than six fanboy petitions to Warner Bros. trying to get him fired.
Snyder elaborated that his intent was to shock the audience by killing an iconic character. But the film didn’t go that route, so a scene where Cassidy introduces himself as Jimmy was left on the cutting-room floor. If you want to see it, you’ll have to wait for the “Ultimate Edition” of Batman v Superman, which will include an additional half hour of film. Whether 30 additional minutes of the film is a good thing is up to you.
The Batman v Superman Cast on What Happens to Superman:
So what do you think? Was Zack Snyder killing Jimmy Olsen off “fun”? Tell us what you think! Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, or leave your comments below. And check out our host, Khail Anonymous, on Twitter.