'Batman v Superman' Director Zack Snyder Defends His Batman's Violent Ways

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is out in theaters now and amidst all the bad reviews, people are noticing what director Zack Snyder has done with the Batman character. Yahoo Movies sat down with Snyder and asked him a simple question: “Batman… he’s killing people now?”
“I don’t know, what do you mean?” Snyder asked, puzzled. “Who does he kill? … I’m not sure about that. I don’t think so.” Snyder’s penchant for violence has been a big topic of conversation this week. He defended the high death toll of innocent people in Man of Steel, telling The Wall Street Journal, “I went, really? And I said, well, what about [The Force Awakens]? In Star Wars they destroy five planets with billions of people on them.”
It seems he likes to use other films as a cover for his own movie violence, because that’s exactly what he did in his chat with Yahoo. “Did you ever see that they did that, on YouTube, a compilation of people that Batman kills in the last, in the series of movies since the last Chris Nolan movie,” Snyder said. “And there’s like 43. Some crazy number, because it’s just, you don’t think about it.”
This doesn’t spoil anything, but there’s a scene in Batman v Superman where the Dark Knight swats a live grenade back at some bad guys and well, boom. Previous versions of Batman would not have found that acceptable. Now, though, Snyder say the character has the “intent” to kill.
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Do you think Snyder has messed with the Batman formula or are fanboys and girls over reacting? Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or leave your comments below. And check out our host, Khail Anonymous, on Twitter.