Art Against Assault set next month
Mar. 14—Almost three years ago, the Crisis Center of West Texas began Art Against Assault, an exhibit of local artwork, marking April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Alejandra Ramirez is the prevention education director at Crisis Center of West Texas.
"It's really a space for artists, they don't have to be a professional artist, but just anyone who enjoys any type of art to really express themselves and help spread awareness of assault," Ramirez said.
The idea is to promote consent, spread awareness against sexual assault and demand change.
"I feel like our community's really creative. In the past, we've had really interesting art pieces. Artists can remain anonymous. If they want us to share their name, we can do that, too; (if) they want to name their pieces. It's really kind of like a follow up to them, whatever they want to do. And when we say art, it's just any type of art. It can be photographs, canvases, drawings. We've even had poetry as well. It's really just any type of art, and like I said, they don't have to be professional artists, it can be anyone," Ramirez said.
She added that the deadline to submit pieces has been extended to March 25.
The event will be at Homemade Wines at 6 p.m. April 5 and it will be a First Friday event.
"It's going to be set up kind of like an art exhibit," Ramirez said.
There will be refreshments and it is an event for all ages.
The event is mostly to raise awareness. The Crisis Center does take donations, but anyone interested in buying the art can do so from the artist.
About 10 people have submitted work. With the extended deadline, they are hoping to get more pieces.
Ramirez said art is a great way to spread awareness of sexual assault.
"When we talk about sexual assault awareness, sometimes I feel like it can be a very touchy topic, so I think what better way to spread awareness than through art. Like I said, our community is so creative. In the past, we've had people do sculptures. We've had like 3D displays and stuff like that. It's really unique to see how everyone sends a similar message through their art," she added.