Arnold Schwarzenegger Fires 1st ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ Contestant With New Catch Phrase

Arnold Schwarzenegger kicked of the New Celebrity Apprentice Monday night and, needless to say, the word “celebrity” is being used pretty loosely. The contestants include ex-NFL players, television hosts, reality TV stars, singers well past their prime, and a YouTube star. Much as Donald Trump did before him, Schwarzenegger brought along a couple of sidekicks: his nephew Patrick Knapp Schwarzenegger, who’s a successful entertainment attorney, and model/TV host/entrepreneur Tyra Banks.
The first task for the contestants was to put together a presentation for Banks’s new makeup line, Tyra Beauty. That’s a pretty sweet deal for Banks. She gets paid while someone else markets her product line, and the line gets free publicity on the show. Of course, it may not be the best publicity, considering who was doing the marketing.
The contestants were split into two teams: the women and the men. The women gave their presentation first, and it was a debacle to say the least. It wasn’t well planned or well coordinated, and it might be a good idea in the future to make sure Snooki, of Jersey Shore fame, always has something to do.
“I don’t want to be sitting there and not do what I do best, which is entertaining people, so I decided to improv the s*** out of it,” Snooki said.
The men’s presentation went much smoother, though it mostly consisted of the various team members taking turns poking around the poor volunteer’s face with makeup on their fingers. Each one of them tried to entertain the crowd while applying the makeup, which led to awkward laughs when Jon Lovitz and Eric Dickerson tossed out innuendoes involving a certain part of a male’s anatomy.
When all was said and done, the men’s team won the task, and one of the women was going to hear Schwarzenegger’s tag line, which would replace the famous “You’re fired” from seasons past. YouTube star Carrie Keagan found out that she would be the first to go home when Schwarzenegger told her, “Carrie, you’re terminated.”
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