'American Horror Story': See Dylan McDermott as Bloody Face -- PHOTO
Dylan McDermott’s return to American Horror Story, after appearing in season 1 as the haunted Dr. Ben Harmon, has been highly secretive… that is until Nov. 21’s Asylum episode, “The Origins of Monstrosity.” During the present-day story line, viewers heard modern-day Bloody Face call the police and taunt them and the voice definitely sounded like McDermott’s.
Then, this week, Ryan Murphy confirmed to EW what fans had theorized: “Yes. Dylan is modern-day Bloody Face. So the question is, Why is he the modern-day Bloody Face? What is he doing? And that’s revealed in episode 9.” Now, McDermott has posted a photo of himself as the villain on his WhoSay page, although sans his famous flesh mask.
Click below for the photo.
Read more:
‘American Horror Story’ recap: Deliverance‘
American Horror Story’ scoop: Does this mean [SPOILER] is Bloody Face too?!?
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