Happy July 4th From These ‘AFV’ Fireworks Fails
Have you ever a) tried to scare a friend or family member by setting off fireworks behind them; b) attempted to light fireworks in your kitchen; or c) used fireworks to blow up a very overripe banana? If you answered no to these questions, then you’ll have little or nothing in common with the folks in this America’s Funniest Home Videos montage — all of whom are lucky to have escaped without losing a finger and/or suffering severe burns (as far as we know).
Related: Cool Off With These ‘AFV’ Diving Board Fails
The heroes of this montage are the kids, like this little boy whose mixture of delight and terror while watching the fireworks is simply adorable.

And let’s all extend a virtual hug to this poor baby, who has NO IDEA why mommy and daddy are subjecting him to such a terrifying spectacle.

Celebrate safe, everyone!
Related: ‘AFV’ Montage of Kids With Baseball Bats
AFV airs Sundays at 7 p.m. on ABC.