6 Iconic Movie and TV Homes You Can Visit in Real Life — See Where Your Favorite Shows Were Filmed!
Oftentimes, when we watch television or movies, the houses on our screen almost start to feel like home. It might sound silly, but there’s a part of us that feels like we’ve sat in Eric Forman’s basement in That 70’s Show, swam in Tony Soprano’s backyard pool in The Sopranos or had a heart to heart with a loved one in the Tanner living room from Full House.
While many of these places are merely soundstages at a vast Hollywood studio, some the exterior shots of the homes we’ve come to know over the years are actual, real-life places — and ones you can visit yourself! Here, take a look at these six movie and TV homes you can see for yourself. Have you ever paid a visit to any of these locations?
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Tony’s house in The Sopranos
Anthony Neste/Getty Images
If you’ve ever wanted to envision the iconic scenes of Tony Soprano making his way down his driveway clad in his bathrobe, then you might get your shot. The exterior shots of the Soprano home are of a real-life residence located at 14 Aspen Drive in North Caldwell, New Jersey. Don’t forget your “gabagool” for the ride.
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The Tanner house in Full House
The Tanner home was always full of life lessons, love, memories and our favorite cast of characters, and you can take a trip for yourself and see the iconic home featured in the opening credits at 1709 Broderick Street in San Fransisco, California.
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The Cullen home in Twilight (2008)
Franco S. Origlia/Getty Images
For a family that never really needed a bed or couch to sleep on or a kitchen to cook in, the Cullen family home impressed. The modern, impressive home has been ogled since the original film and is actually located at 3333 NW Quimby Street in Portland, Oregon.
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Ferris’ house in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)
Paramount/Getty Images
The real-life residence of the Bueller family can actually be seen at 4160 Country Club Drive in Long Beach, California!
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The McAllister Home in Home Alone (1990)
In a residence as beautiful as the McAllister house in Home Alone, we probably wouldn’t mind hanging back from our family vacay to enjoy some peace and quiet in an empty home! Located at 671 Lincoln Ave in Winnetka, Illinois, the house recently went up for sale for over $5 million, selling rapidly.
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The Brady house in The Brady Bunch
PG/Bauer-Griffin/Getty Images
While the real interior of this Los Angeles, California home home differed greatly from the ultra-70s sets the show was filmed on, fans can still see the location used for the exterior shots at 11222 Dilling Street in North Hollywood, California.
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