58 Details In Films Written By, Directed By, And/Or About Women That You Probably Don't Know About
A lot of great details in movies have been either written by, directed by, or about women. Thanks to Reddit's r/MovieDetails, I've compiled a list of some of the greatest.
1."In Wonder Woman, Diana's blue dress is a nod to the 1970s Wonder Woman series."
2."In Wonder Woman 1984, an elderly Etta Candy from the first film makes an appearance in one of the photographs at Diana's apartment. The actress Lucy Davis actually reprised the role in elderly makeup just to create the photo."
3."In Black Swan, when Nina is watching Lily dance for the first time, Leroy enters from behind and begins to talk to her. However, Leroy is never shown walking through the door in the shot, and instead seems to materialize behind Nina out of thin air, hinting it may be a hallucination."
4."In Pitch Perfect, Ester Dean’s character sings 'S&M' in the riff-off. Dean actually wrote this song, which was then given to Rihanna for her album Loud."
5."In Pitch Perfect 3, during a quick flash of passports, we learn that Bellas beat boxer Lilly Onakuramara was born at Area 51 in Nevada."
6."In Gravity, as Kowalski flies very close to the camera, astronauts holding a movie camera and boom mic appear to be reflected in his helmet visor. This is an in-joke by Alfonso Cuarón. The 'reflections' were added with CGI to make it look like the scene was actually filmed in space."
7."In Pride & Prejudice, the book Elizabeth is reading in the opening is actually the ending of the original novel, just with the names switched around. Darcy is 'Cady,' while Elizabeth is 'Katherine.'"
8."In Trainwreck, the crown of Lebron James' watch is pulled out. That way it shows the same time throughout extended shooting."
9."In Captain Marvel, when Monica is changing the color of Carol's suit, she first chooses a combination of red and gold, the same colors of DC's Shazam, who was previously known as Captain Marvel."
10."In Captain Marvel, there's a cameo in the train station by a bespectacled, red-haired woman. That's Kelly Sue DeConnick, who not only wrote a series of Captain Marvel comics but was also a consultant on the film."
11."In the Mamma Mia! movies, Bj?rn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson from ABBA have cameos in both movies."
Here's Benny Andersson in Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again.
12."In Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, you can see that the women used their curtains to make their costumes."
13."I rewatched Mean Girls and noticed foreshadowing of 'yellow school bus.' In the start of the film, Cady almost gets hit by a bus as she’s going into the school; then later when she meets Aaron, she says, 'This one hit me like a big yellow school bus,' foreshadowing a scene toward the end of the movie."
14."In Mean Girls, queen bee Regina wears an 'R' necklace around her neck. Cady begins wearing a 'C' necklace once she has humiliated Regina and taken her place."
15."In Mean Girls, we learn that Regina, leader of the Plastics, told Gretchen that she couldn’t wear hooped earrings because they were her thing. Later in the movie, when Cady becomes leader of the Plastics, we see her wearing hooped earrings, showing that she became just like Regina."
16."In Mean Girls, Regina forbade Gretchen to wear hoop earrings. Once they broke up, she is seen wearing hoop earrings."
17."In The Hunger Games, when Katniss is hallucinating/remembering, we see all the coal miners have her father's face."
18."In The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, on the train we see a glimpse of what the fictitious Hunger Games world looks like and where the districts are!"
19."In The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Beetee used some of the wire from his spoil to hold his glasses on during the games."
20."In 13 Going on 30, Jenna’s apartment is furnished to look identical to the '30, Flirty & Thriving' article she read when she was 13."
Kudos to the production design department for not making this furniture noticeably dated to either 1987 or 2004.
21."In 13 Going on 30, Jenna's party dress and sleep mask in the future are the same material as the blindfold she wears in the closet during her seven minutes in heaven in the past."
22."In Midsommar, the first shot of the film is a mural that lays out the entirety of the film up until the end."
23."In Midsommar, most of the Swedish dialogue spoken by the natives is deliberately not subtitled in order to create the sense of isolation for the audience and especially for the foreign visitors."
24."You almost miss the face of a spirit/being watching the May Queen in Midsommar. Check the top-left corner. Effects of the drugs."
25."In The Princess Diaries, Mia breaks her glass at a dinner party, and a waiter reassures her, 'It happens all the time.' In Pretty Woman, a waiter played by the same actor says the exact same line to Vivian after she flings a snail across the room. Both films are directed by Garry Marshall."
26. Mia's fall on the bleachers in The Princess Diaries is genuine. Anne Hathaway slipped in a puddle.
In the Princess Diaries (2001), the scene where Mia trips and falls in the bleachers wasn’t a part of the script. Anne Hathaway had accidentally slipped in a puddle. Director Garry Marshall liked it so much that he decided to keep it in the movie. from MovieDetails
27."In Jennifer’s Body, the school is putting on a production of What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, which was the first example of the psycho-biddy genre. Jennifer, while still young, is a great example of it."
In general, "psycho-biddy" films are horror movies centered around an older woman who has lost her previous glamour and elegance, has developed a mental illness, and is now terrorizing others. While the villain of Jennifer's Body — "villain" is a strong term I don't necessarily agree with, but for clarity's sake, let's go with "villain" — is a high schooler who does not live with a mental illness, the movie uses the ethos of the "psycho-biddy" genre.
It goes without saying that the phrase "psycho biddy" reeks of sexism.
28."In Juno, Mark dresses more and more like Juno after each encounter with her."
In case you forgot, Mark develops feelings for 16-year-old Juno and connects with her as a way to make himself feel better.
29."In Us, Adelaide can be seen pausing in the hallway suddenly before saying goodnight to her kids, to Gabe's concern. If one listens closely, she does this after the baseball game Gabe is watching announces the score is 11-11. In addition, one team is Minnesota, also known as the Twins."
30."In Enchanted, the law firm that Robert works for is called 'Churchill, Harline and Smith.' It was named after the songwriters of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
Frank Churchill, Paul Smith, and Leigh Harline did the music for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
31."In Little Women, Laurie and Jo swap articles of clothing."
32."In To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before: Always and Forever, X-Men: Apocalypse is on Peter’s 'favorite movies' list. Lana Condor (Lara Jean Covey) played Jubilee in that movie."
33."In Clueless, Josh wears a University of Kansas ball cap. This hat really belonged to Paul Rudd. He asked the costume team if he could wear it in a few scenes to honor his alma mater."
34."It's my hundredth time watching Clueless, and I just noticed Lucy the maid hiding from Cher's dad behind the door."
35."In The Silence of the Lambs, when characters are talking to Clarice, they often talk directly to the camera. Director Jonathan Demme has explained that this was done so as the audience would directly experience her point of view, and more readily identify with Clarice, over her male counterparts."
36."In The Silence of the Lambs, renowned horror director George Romero plays one of the men that escorts Clarice from Hannibal’s cell."
37."In The Little Mermaid, you can see the king and his advisor from Cinderella at the wedding."
38."In The Little Mermaid, Ursula uses a butterfly (a symbol of transformation and mimicry) in the potion to transform herself into 'Vanessa' — which is a genus of butterfly."
39."So in The Wizard of Oz, when they’re sent to kill the Witch of the West, Scarecrow straight-up brings a gun."
40."In Death Becomes Her, Helen claims she took the potion on October 26, 1985. This is the same date Marty McFly traveled back in time in Back to the Future. Both films were directed by Robert Zemeckis."
41."The stealth helicopters and Bin Laden compound in Zero Dark Thirty were all practical, full-sized mock-ups. The landing and crash sequences were filmed with the helicopters attached to a crane, with one actually destroyed during the demolition scene."
42.Legally Blonde and the all-natural falling leaves.
In Legally Blonde (2001), members of the crew were positioned in trees, dropping painted leaves behind Reese Witherspoon during scenes on campus. from MovieDetails
43."In Sense and Sensibility, Stephen Fry is thanked by the producers, because he managed to retrieve a missing file with the unfinished script that Emma Thompson was working on. Stephen is known as an expert with Apple Computers, and it took him seven hours to find the missing file."
44.American Psycho's moment of realness.
In American Psycho(2000) When Patrick Bateman(Bale) Is Rushing Out Of The Dry Cleaners His Mask Of Sanity Drops For A Few Seconds Showing His Cold Emotionless Face from MovieDetails
45."In American Psycho, Willem Dafoe (Detective Kimball) acted each meeting with Bateman three ways in three different takes: 1) He knew Bateman was the killer, 2) he only suspected Bateman was the killer, and 3) he did not suspect Bateman. These clips were later spliced together to keep the audience guessing."
46."In A Cinderella Story, the license plate says '2SAM,' foreshadowing her father's will that is later found in the movie, which gives her the rights to everything. At the end of the movie, she sells that car to help pay for college."
This is totally unrelated, but let's take a moment to celebrate this line from A Cinderella Story, one of the best lines in anything ever: "Sweetheart, now that you're old enough, there's something I've always wanted to tell you, and I think you're ready to hear it: You're not very pretty, and you're not very bright. I'm so glad we had that talk."
47."In A Cinderella Story, the evil stepsisters always wear pink or green throughout the movie, just like in the original Cinderella."
48."In When Harry Met Sally..., Meg Ryan laughed at the pecan pie improv and looked at the director; he signals for her to keep going."
49."In Miss Congeniality, when Gracie arrives at the preliminaries, a women can be seen handing out brochures in what will become Gracie's iconic talent show look. As Gracie only entered the pageant 48 hours before, it makes sense that her coach would use something on hand for her costume."
50."In Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Mr. Hand passes out the class schedule of quizzes. After the paper is passed out, the students put the page up to their noses and deeply inhale. This was a popular school ritual of the '60s, '70s, and early '80s because the transfer agent for the ink got you high."
51."In The Devil Wears Prada, Emily’s computer wallpaper is the Arc de Triomphe, showing how important going to Paris for Fashion Week is to her."
52."In Erin Brockovich, Erin, played by Julia Roberts, is ordering food at a restaurant. She’s being waited on by Julia, played by the real Erin Brockovich."
53."In Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks wears a tie that Walt Disney wore in real life. The strange symbol is the logo for 'Smoke Tree Ranch,' a real place in Palm Springs that was a vacation spot for Walt Disney and his family."
54."In Saving Mr. Banks, you can see the special Oscar that Walt Disney won for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
55."In Saving Mr. Banks, as Walt addresses PL Travers in his office prior to the premiere of Mary Poppins in 1964, a map of Florida is seen showing the initial interest of land that would eventually become Disney World."
56."In Carrie, Brian De Palma based Carrie's posture and walk at the end of the film after Gustave Moreau's 1851 painting 'The Study of Lady Macbeth.'"
57."In Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn), Harley Quinn has the number '92' on her Roller Derby uniform. This is a reference to her first appearance in DC media, the 1992 Batman: The Animated Series."
58."In The Sound of Music, the real Maria von Trapp appears behind Julie Andrews at the start of the film."
Note: Quotes have been edited for length and/or clarity.