33 TV Villain Deaths That Are Just So Darn Satisfying
Recently we asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the most satisfying TV villain deaths. Here are some of the best!
1.Dandy Mott from American Horror Story: Freak Show
Suggested by Jjdwtsdwmsl
"I hate him so much!!! Every time his stupid little face comes onscreen I want to punch him, haha. Kudos to Finn Wittrock for playing him so well!"
2.Ralph from The Sopranos
"He killed his pregnant girlfriend and also killed a horse! Tony had every right to strangle him to death."
3.Commander Winslow from Handmaid's Tale
"When June killed Commander Winslow on Handmaid's Tale, I was cheering in my living room. Great moment!"
4.Kai from The Vampire Diaries
The CW
Look, I love Kai as a villain, but his time had come. Damon decapitating Kai just after Kai is saying "heads or tails" is just an iconic moment made even better by the fact that he does it both as revenge for Elena and to save Bonnie.
5.Asmodeus from Supernatural
"That guy was a PRICK!! [After] watching Gabriel burn him alive without even touching him, I flew up off the couch and dropped to my knees Shawshank style while yelling, 'FINALLY!!'"
6.Fred Waterford from The Handmaid's Tale
"Fred Waterford's death on this season of the Handmaid's Tale was so freaking satisfying."
7.Warren from Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Suggested by jc123321
He was a disgusting, misogynistic murderer who shot Buffy and killed Tara. Skinning him alive was him getting off easy, IMO. Nothing would bring back Tara, but it was still pretty satisfying to see Willow get her revenge.
8.Ramsay Bolton from Game of Thrones
"Joffrey was horrible, but Ramsay was a whole new level of bad. He tortured Theon and Sansa among others, and I’ll never not smile watching his death scene, especially when it was Sansa who delivered it."
9.Joffrey from Game of Thrones
"I literally jumped out of my chair and happy danced with my entire family!"
"It was just the right amount of awful that I wanted to turn away from his purple, bleeding face, but I couldn’t. The whole scene was so well done. They really reminded us of how absolutely awful he was right up until he died."
10.Gus Fring from Breaking Bad
"Such an amazing ending to one of the most badass villains, and the fact Hector played a part in it was so satisfying to watch."
"I literally screamed with delight when Tio Salamanca blew his face off with the bomb detonated by the bell on his wheelchair!!! Nothing will ever be that well played or as satisfying!"
11.Caleb from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"So metaphorical and satisfying."
"Caleb getting bisected from the balls up is great."
12.Black Jack Randall from Outlander
"I hated his character so much that I am actually getting pissed just typing this, but when he was killed I got up and did a touchdown dance."
"His death was extremely satisfying. I hated him with every bone in my body."
13.Pike from The 100
"He murdered an army while they slept even though they were sent there to protect him. And I will never forgive him for executing Lincoln. It was so satisfying when Octavia killed him and got her revenge!"
14.The Handler from The Umbrella Academy
"Right before she died, we saw that she never loved her adopted daughter, Lila. She had only kept her around for her powers, and was ready to kill her when she was no longer useful. The Handler manipulated everyone in her life to get ahead and gain power. Oh, and not to mention that she killed countless innocent people without regret."
15.Kilgrave from Jessica Jones
"He was a despicable person, and I cheered when Jessica snapped his neck."
"He was a fantastic villain because he was just so purely evil, and it was so satisfying to see Jessica finally break free of him and win."
16.Rocket Romano from ER
"He was a hard-nosed, sexist douche."
"I know it was kind of cheesy, but it was also so satisfying when that helicopter crashed on him. He was the worst."
17.The Governor from The Walking Dead
"I hated him, and after all the crap he did, it was so satisfying to see him finally get killed."
"He was the absolute WORST. I hate to say it, but I was so happy when he got what he deserved."
18.Vee from Orange Is the New Black
"She had it coming for so long, and it was all the more satisfying that Rosa was the one to do it."
19.Leonard Peabody/Harold Jenkins from The Umbrella Academy
"I was SCREAMING for Vanya when she finally ended that asshole. I had NO remorse for him. None."
20.Littlefinger from Game of Thrones
"He was so smug up until Sansa said his name and then him on his knees and begging. Then Arya just walked up and slit his throat...it was all fantastic."
"It came completely out of nowhere, and when it finally sinks in what's happening you are just so damn happy he won't be around to manipulate anyone anymore."
21.The Boston Reaper from Criminal Minds
"After all he did to Hotch, he finally got what he deserved."
"And Hotch would not stop beating him even well after he was dead. So good."
22.Nanny Carrie from One Tree Hill
"She was so evil, and seeing Dan shoot her not once, but twice was very satisfying. I was so happy that she was gone and couldn't ruin the Scott family’s lives anymore!"
23.Oliver Thredson from American Horror Story: Asylum
"He was such a creep, to put it very mildly. The way that Lana Winters took him out was so satisfying."
24.Gemma Teller-Morrow from Sons of Anarchy
"She was such an incredible character in Sons of Anarchy, but absolutely no death in the entire series was more satisfying than hers. She earned every bit of what she got and more."
25.The Night King from Game of Thrones
"As soon I saw Arya, I physically jumped on my couch and broke the frame. I wished it was Jon who held the dagger, but she was an excellent substitute."
26.Dr. Wes from The Vampire Diaries
"He was a serial torturer, and it was so satisfying to see him finally get what he deserved."
27.Todd from Breaking Bad
"After all Jesse Pinkman had been through, watching him strangle Todd to death was so satisfying."
"It was one of the best villain deaths, especially since Todd wasn’t expecting it. Awesomeness all around."
28.Agent Stahl from Sons of Anarchy
"It was sweet justice that Opie was the one to do it."
"Stahl was the WORST. Seeing her fear crack through her tough exterior to reveal a sniveling puddle of tears was sooooo satisfying."
29.Gul Dukat from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
"When he was killed and sentenced to an eternity of torment and pain, it seemed like an adequate punishment for someone who occupied and ravaged a planet, sold his own people and planet out to similar oppressors, and tormented good people for no reason."
"He had tons of opportunities to choose to be a better man too. And squandered all of them!"
30.Stephen Bonnet from Outlander
"You never get to know if it's mercy or revenge that's Brianna's motivation, but the fact that she gets to make that choice was extremely powerful."
31.Mason from Hannibal
"Plus the fact that Margot got to help mastermind it all and actually do it made it all the better."
32.Munro from Reign
"It felt like such a relief. I had to cheer because not only was it unexpected from such a delicate character, but she did it in the name of Francis. This was something that the Mary at the beginning of the show would not have done. It showed her growth as a fearless leader, and it brought justice to Francis’s murder. A cheerful sight indeed."
33.And finally, Snyder from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The WB
I literally CHEERED when this happened. Snyder was the absolute worst. He was so mean to Buffy despite the fact that she literally kept her classmates alive, and he always turned a blind eye to the actual bad guys. Seeing him get eaten by The Mayor was a highlight of the Season 3 finale.
Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarify.