People Are Sharing The Movie Plot Twists That, Despite All The Foreshadowing, They Truly Never Saw Coming
14 min read
WARNING: Due to the nature of the question being answered in this post, there are serious SPOILERS AHEAD for every single one of these movie plot twists. We've listed the titles first so you can decide if you'd like to read on or skip. Please proceed with caution!
We recently asked members of our BuzzFeed Community, "What's the one movie plot twist that you genuinely, truly, admittedly, 110%, no shame, without a doubt, despite any foreshadowing...didn't see coming?" and you better believe movie lovers came through with some A+ answers!
So, with that in mind, here are just a few of the plot twists that people were simply not prepared for:
1.Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)
Erik Chakeen / ? A24 / Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: While staying together in a mansion during a hurricane, a group of friends believe that one of their own was murdered by someone in their group — but he actually accidentally killed himself by being an idiot (ie: playing with a large machete, slitting his own throat), setting off a chain of events that ends with most of the group murdering each other.
"A more recent choice, but the ending of Bodies Bodies Bodies had me making the same shell-shocked face as the characters. It was funny and smart, and made me want to go back and watch the movie all over again."
Watch the trailer here:
2.Planet of the Apes (1968)
20th Century Fox
THE TWIST: An astronaut who believes he landed on a planet run by apes is actually on a futuristic version of Earth the entire time.
"I really did live my whole life (until I was 18) without knowing the plot of Planet of the Apes. I was watching it in my parents basement and was totally shocked — SHOCKED — that they were on earth. I ran upstairs and immediately told my parents, 'They were on earth the whole time!' They laughed."
Watch the scene here:
3.Promising Young Woman (2020)
Focus Features
THE TWIST: Our main character seeks revenge on a group of old college acquaintances who allowed her best friend to be sexually assaulted, and the perpetrator to get away with it. In the end, our main character is shockingly murdered by the perpetrator, only for us to learn she'd prepared for this outcome as a means to finally get the justice she'd longed for.
"I did NOT expect Cassie to be killed! My jaw dropped and I let out an audible gasp sitting alone on my couch! Not sure how I was expecting the ending to go, but wow what a thrilling little twist!"
Watch the scene here:
4.Housebound (2014)
?XLrator Media / courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: The ghost is not a ghost — it's a grown man straight-up living in the walls.
"Housebound has at least two awesome twists, one of which I legit did not see coming AT ALL (while the other was hinted at). Another, bigger budget movie totally stole the big twist."
Watch the trailer here:
5.The Boy (2016)
David Bukach/?STX Entertainment/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: The doll is not a doll — it's a grown man straight-up living in the walls.
"I never EVER expected the way that movie was going to end. EVER. It's one of the best plot twists I have seen in any movie."
Watch the scene here:
6.The Sixth Sense (1999)
Buena Vista Pictures/ Courtesy: Everett Collection
THE TWIST: The kid sees dead people. Our main character is a dead people the whole time.
"I saw The Sixth Sense the day it opened in theaters (I was only 13 and still full of hope). It was mind-blowing for every single person in the theater. I remember a ton of people bought tickets (or snuck in) to see it a second time the same day. At the mall, that's what we did in 1999. Also, baby Mischa Barton scared the shit out of me."
Watch the trailer here:
7.Soylent Green (1973)
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: Soylent Green — a delicious, eco-friendly food source — is, in fact, made of people.
"I somehow made it through my entire life without knowing the twist until I was in my very early twenties. If you've somehow made it this far without knowing about Soylent Green, put your phone down and watch them right now. Don't Google it!"
Watch the scene here:
8.Parasite (2018)
? Neon / courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: A maid who was fired from a rich family's house is revealed to have been hiding her husband in a bunker in the basement of the rich family's home the entire time.
"I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it definitely was not the housekeeper's husband living in a hidden bunker in the Park family's house."
What the scene here:
9.47 Meters Down (2017)
Gareth Gatrell / ? Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures / courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: The entire ending and escape sequence was a hallucination of the main character.
"Even after watching it again, I don’t think there’s any massive hints about the plot twist."
Watch the trailer here:
10.Remember Me (2010)
Summit Entertainment / Summit Entertainment / courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: The film ends with our main character meeting his father in his office on Sept. 11, 2001, which is located in one of the twin towers.
"I was literally just talking about this yesterday! At the very end where it shows Robert Pattinson waiting for his dad in his dad's office in New York, and, as he stands looking out the window the camera pans out to show us he is in one of the twin towers of the World Trade Center on one of the top floors. It then cuts to the next scene and his sister is in school and her teacher has written something on the board, it turns out to be the date: September 11, 2001. When I tell you MY JAW DROPPED. It's obvious what happened next, but that ending was so damn unexpected and then you see the reactions of his family and friends, and how his dad was stuck in traffic on his way to the towers as the planes hit. I don't think they actually showed impact, but when it shows his family and friends you can see the ash pouring down. A good movie with a WTF ending."
Watch the scene here:
11.Frozen (2013)
Walt Disney Studios
THE TWIST: Turns out, Prince Charming ain't so charming.
"Hans being evil. When I think about it, it’s actually really clever — Disney has conditioned us for years to put all our trust in the handsome prince, and for him to turn around and be the bad guy? Genius!"
Watch the scene here:
12.The Others (2001)
Dimension Films / ??Dimension Films/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: The entire family is dead the entire time, with the mother having killed her children before killing herself.
"Finding out Nicole Kidman killed her children, then herself, and that they were the ghosts. It gave me a stomach ache for a week."
Watch the scene here:
13.The Village (2004)
Buena Vista Pictures / ??Buena Vista Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: While the entire film appears to take place in the distant past, it actually takes place in the present on a wildlife preserve, with the elders of the group protecting the lie.
"When you find out that the elders were behind everything, and they were actually living inside a wildlife preserve during modern times. I didn’t see it coming!"
Watch the trailer here:
14.Shutter Island (2010)
Paramount / ??Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: Our main character, who we believe is a detective on a case for the length of the film, is revealed to be a patient at the very mental hospital he's investigating.
"It is such a roller coaster with many twists and turns. I didn’t see the main twist coming, and I definitely did not see the ending coming."
Watch the scene here:
15.Primal Fear (1996)
?Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: We're led to believe the defendant is innocent and suffering from a violent dissociative personality disorder the entire film, only to discover that he's been lying and is, in fact, aware of everything he's doing.
"Edward Norton gave a brilliant performance in that movie and I truly NEVER saw that ending coming."
Watch the scene here:
16.The Prestige (2006)
Touchstone Pictures / ??Touchstone Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: Christian Bale has a twin and Hugh Jackman has clones.
"Not only the reveal that Christians Bale’s character was a twin, but the ending: finding out exactly how Hugh Jackman’s character pulled off the 'Transported Man' gave me chills."
Watch the scene here:
17.Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Marvel Studios
THE TWIST: The bad guy is the father of the girl the good guy is taking out on a date.
"I was so stunned when the Vulture turned out to be Liz's dad that I shouted, 'OH SHIT!' in the middle of the theater — and I was not alone. They played so well on audience assumptions with that one, I had him pegged MAYBE as Michelle's dad, the opinionated oddball, NOT the well-liked overachieving captain of the debate team! SO. WELL. DONE."
Watch the scene here:
18.Us (2019)
Universal Studios
THE TWIST: The character we've been following is actually one of the tethered the entire time, having stolen the life of our main character at the beginning of the film.
"It was already such a great horror movie before the twist was revealed, and the twist just took it over the top."
Watch the scene here:
19.Saw (2004)
THE TWIST: The serial killer behind the trap (and all of the murders throughout the film) is the "dead" body that's been lying motionless on the floor of the room the entire time.
"I've probably posted about this before, but I had absolutely no idea, no guess, no remote THOUGHT that the 'dead' body that was on the floor since the very first scene would actually be the mastermind of the entire series of events! The Saw franchise has gotten more and more gory and nutty over the years, but the first (and second) film are honestly still very strong. What a great reveal!"
Watch the scene here:
20.Se7en (1995)
New Line Cinema / ??New Line Cinema/courtesy Everett / Everett Collection
THE TWIST: A serial killer murdering victims to mimic the seven deadly sins reveals that he was "jealous" of the police officer's life, so he murdered his wife — making him "Envy." The officer kills the man in a fit of rage — making him "Wrath" and completing the kills plan.
"The best twist of all time has to be the end of Se7en. I've been chasing that high ever since."
Watch the scene here:
21.The Lego Movie (2014)
Warner Bros / ??Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: The entire story is taking place in the imagination of a young boy.
"I don't know if this is truly considered a twist, but when you discover that the whole thing was in a kid's imagination, it was a really great reveal!"
Watch the scene here:
22.Fight Club (1999)
20th Century Fox
THE TWIST: Tyler Durden and our main character are the same person.
"Seems almost cliché to mention, but the flip to mental illness in a hot second more than 2/3rds of the way through the movie was not what I anticipated."
Watch the scene here:
23.Arrival (2016)
Paramount / ??Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett Collection
THE TWIST: Tragic moments from the main character's life that we're led to believe were in the past are actually her future.
"The twist related to the time frame messed me up so bad. Turned an already emotional film into a gut wrenching one once you fully understood it."
Watch the scene here:
24.The Ring (2002)
Dreamworks / ??DreamWorks/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: Our main character wasn't supposed to save the creepy girl, and by doing so, unleashed a demon onto the world.
"The sinking feeling you get when you think the whole thing is over, and then the little boy says, 'You weren't supposed to help her.'"
Watch the scene here:
25.Suspiria (2018)
Prime Video
THE TWIST: A character whom we believe to be a victim of a coven of witches is revealed to be the big bad all along.
"Even though it was made as a homage rather than a remake of the 1977 original, Susie turning out to be Mother Suspiriorum instead of the monstrous Helena Markos — and the entirety of the black sabbath scene — was wild!"
Watch the trailer here:
26.The Departed (2007)
Warner Bros / ??Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: Our main character — whom we follow and somewhat root for the whole movie — is killed unceremoniously three-fourths of the way through the film.
"Leonardo DiCaprio’s character being killed off in The Departed. I wanted him to take down Matt Damon’s character so badly, so that twist shocked me. At least Damon got his in the end."
Watch the scene here:
27.Kiss the Girls (1997)
Paramount / ??Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: The serial killer is a cop the whole time.
"Never realized it would be the cop."
Watch the scene here:
28.Scream (1996)
Dimension Films / ??Dimension Films/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: Drew Barrymore — a beloved and popular actor, especially in the mid-'90s — did all of the press and marketing for Scream under the guise of being the film's main character, only to be killed off in the first 10 minutes.
"Yes, the reveal of the two killers, but also when Drew Barrymore’s character was killed in the opening credits. It was sensational! She was on the poster, she did all the marketing in the run-up to the release, she was billed as a main character, and it turned out to essentially be a cameo!"
Watch the scene here:
29.Identity (2003)
Columbia Pictures / ??Columbia Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: A group of characters in a motel hunt for which one of them is a murderer, only for it to be revealed halfway through the film that none of them are real people and are all various personalities living in a serial killer's mind.
"It's about all these people stuck in a motel getting killed off and trying to figure out why it's happening, and you know there is a man being interviewed in a jail as a framing device, so you assume he’ll show up at some point. You don’t see the twist coming that all of the people in the motel are his split personalities, and one of them is a killer. They’re trying to get him back to a single personality. Plus, there's another great final twist right at the very end! Totally recommend."
Watch the scene here:
30.Sorry to Bother You (2018)
Annapurna Pictures / Everett Collection / Everett Collection
THE TWIST: The workers are being turned into horse people (no, really).
"I won’t give away spoilers, but WTF! That shit went in a completely different direction than I'd expected."
Watch the trailer here:
31.Orphan (2009)
Warner Bros / ??Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: The 9-year-old is actually a 30-year-old with a rare condition that makes her look like a child.
"I did not see that twist coming!"
Watch the scene here:
32.The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Columbia Pictures
THE TWIST: A prisoner escapes by slowly digging a hole out.
"When the warden whips that poster away, my jaw just dropped. When it goes back and recaps what Andy did, you berate yourself for not seeing it earlier!"
Watch the scene here:
33.And finally: Oldboy (2003)
Tartan Films / Tartan Films / courtesy Everett Collection
THE TWIST: After being imprisoned for over a decade without knowing why, our main character learns he was tricked into having a sexual relationship with his own daughter as revenge for outing his captor's relationship with his own sister.
"I feel like one of the most shocking endings I've ever seen is Oldboy. Just the idea of it is something. I was not expecting any of it, but it made sense...if incest can ever make sense."
Watch the scene here:
Well, you've read their picks, but now it's your turn! What's the one movie plot twist that you genuinely, truly, admittedly, 110%, no shame, without a doubt, despite any foreshadowing, didn't see coming? Share your pick(s) in the comments below!
Some responses were edited for length and/or clarity.
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