29 TV Couples That People Used To Love But Now Absolutely Hate
We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which TV couples they used to love, but eventually ended up hating. Here are some of the controversial responses:
?? Spoilers ahead!!! ??
Note: Some of the following contain mentions of sexual assault or abuse.
1.Meredith and Derek from Grey's Anatomy.
"By the end, I was completely disenchanted by their relationship and almost apathetic towards his death. He completely disregarded her initial concerns and boundaries after she found out about him being her superior, lied to her about being married, and then slut-shamed her for trying to move on. He was obsessive and possessive over her." —tariro
2.Rumplestiltskin and Belle from Once Upon a Time.
"His story with Belle was so beautiful at first, but they kept pulling the same trick over and over: Rumple would succumb to his desire for power, hurt Belle, then would somehow be forgiven. Eventually, I grew exhausted by the predictability and Belle's refusal to see him for what he was. The relationship became too problematic for me to continue supporting it." —clrogers49
3.Oliver and Felicity from Arrow.
"I used to love their relationship, but once they got together, I feel like the overall quality of the show went very downhill. They blatantly ignored the comics, and rather than focus on the vigilantism, Arrow became 'The Olicity Show.'" — megank1499
4.Jess and Nick from New Girl.
"I was rooting so hard for them to get together, but it was too soon, and I just didn’t like it. If the slow burn had gone on longer, and their friendship had really gotten built up before any romance was introduced, I think it would have been way better." —nosveremosenlostribunales
5.Ryan and Marissa from The O.C.
"Marissa was always in danger or in trouble, and Ryan always had to save her. It seemed like Marissa only needed Ryan when they weren't dating, and when they were, she’d find another guy who needed her help, friendship, etc., and it always ended horribly." —clairmonde
6.Marco and Dylan from Degrassi: The Next Generation.
"I liked them at first, but it was all downhill after they started dating. Dylan cheated on him and then manipulated him into giving him a second chance." —emily2605
"So when in doubt, you kiss Craig?!"
7.Ander and Omar from Elite.
"Ander treated Omar like garbage in Season 2, telling his friends that Omar was ‘embarrassing himself’ for dressing up as Tim Curry from The Rocky Horror Picture Show (when this was the first time we saw Omar feel comfortable in expressing his sexuality as a gay man). Ander also lied to Omar about finding out who killed Marina — whatever the reason, the outcome was a shit-ton of communication issues and deceit. In Season 3, Omar then cheated on Ander with Omar’s sister’s boyfriend while Ander suffered from cancer (yup, you read that right). I honestly think they're a terrible couple, and it annoys me because they were a beautiful pairing in Season 1." —keiralucy
8.Betty and Jughead from Riverdale.
"During the first season, I totally understood the ship and how people loved them together. But come the end of the second season and definitely into the third, they lost their charm and their living situation and half brother thing just made them icky." —happylittlebea
9.Rue and Jules from Euphoria.
"The toxicity got worse when they got together, and then Elliot came into the picture. The chemistry and tension just isn’t the same anymore." —squid_nuggs
10.Sabrina and Nick from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
"The relationship ran its course partway through Season 2, but they just could not let it go." —sunshine_lollipops_rainbows
11.Jade and Beck from Victorious.
"They were not good together. Jade was too possessive, and Beck shouldn’t have kept giving her more chances. I think we were supposed to be happy when they got back together, but it was a bad lesson to teach kids." —vanessag42fc48418
12.Finley and Sophie from The L Word: Generation Q.
"Before they got together, they were so cute and seemed like a perfect fit. But once they sealed the deal in Season 2, everything sadly turned into hot garbage." —kaylayandoli
Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl.
"Chuck literally assaulted someone in the first episode and never redeemed himself. He treated Blair like she was his property and always put himself first." —taramisu
"Character flaws aside, the initial desire, compatibility, and understanding between them was promising. Soon, however, that spiraled into manipulation and abuse — not goals."
"They should’ve been done for good after he literally traded her for a hotel like she was a piece of property. Chuck was toxic, and Blair deserved better."
13.Aria and Ezra from Pretty Little Liars.
"Looking back now, their relationship was creepy from the beginning, but I completely lost interest in Aria and Ezra being a couple. He actually turned out to just be a weirdo who had relations with TWO underage girls and was spying on all the girls to write about Alison. Ezra just always felt manipulative and icky after that." —courtneyt411cbf1f3
"Maybe I was interested in the relationship when I was younger because it was forbidden, but it seriously never should have happened."
14.Buffy and Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
"Whenever I rewatch the series, every good Spike and Buffy moment is tainted by knowing he's going to try to rape her. It still makes me angry to this day." —badwolfkw
15.Rory and Dean from Gilmore Girls.
"What started out as a sweet first romance quickly became toxic. Dean was jealous and possessive. When I was younger, I thought he was just romantic, but no one should get upset over someone not saying 'I love you' back!" —brittanys4e461f149
"Everyone on the show always fawned over what a 'nice guy' he was, but he constantly pouted, flew into jealous rages, and made Rory feel shitty just for being good at things or having friends. Not to mention, he cheated on his wife who was desperately trying to save their marriage."
Carrie and Mr. Big from Sex and the City.
"They got together, then broke up, got back together, broke up again, and then got married. The relationship was exhausting, unrealistic, and way too much damn drama." —jessilyne00
"Do not let a man treat you like crap and think that if you just love him hard enough, he'll eventually change."
16.Craig and Manny from Degrassi: The Next Generation.
"Their connection was toxic from the very start. Their first date was a disaster, and he basically called her a child. I used to romanticize their relationship — Craig was hot, and Manny was relatable, so I rooted for them, but their relationship was so toxic." —pkrush
17.Kurt and Blaine from Glee.
"I think when I first watched them together, I was craving any kind of LGBT representation, but looking back, they were the worst for each other. High school love doesn’t last for a reason." —georgea4cf7567f5
"I loved them at first — although I was not fond of Kurt basically telling Blaine, 'No, you're not bisexual' when he was questioning his sexuality — but the way Blaine treated Kurt in the later seasons was not okay. Blaine went absolutely nuts when Kurt so much as texted another guy, but cheated on Kurt and then dated his former bully Karofsky (who had once threatened to KILL Kurt)!"
18.Lucas and Peyton from One Tree Hill.
"I wanted Lucas and Peyton together from the beginning, but after the SECOND time they both snuck around behind Brooke's back, I was over it. By the time Lucas and Peyton got married, I was not into the relationship AT ALL. They went from being my favorite couple to the most cringey pairing on the show." —jessicashog
"They went behind Brooke’s back when Peyton was supposedly her best friend, and they treated Lindsey terribly, too. They brought out the worst in each other, and Brooke deserved better than both of them."
19.Miles and Tristan from Degrassi: The Next Generation and Degrassi: Next Class.
"Tristan was so biphobic, and I’m not sure why the writers thought it was a good idea for him and Miles to be a thing. Miles deserved way better, honestly. Their relationship didn’t help Miles as a character, and it didn’t help Tristan either." —bishopab
"It was so sweet to see Tristan finally being in a relationship, but after he invalidated Miles' bisexuality, it kind of ruined it. The toxicity of their relationship only went downhill from there."
"It never felt like they truly liked each other for who they were, just the idea of each other."
20.Ross and Rachel from Friends.
"I’m a massive Friends fan, but in my most recent rewatch of the show, I realized how controlling he is of her, not only when they’re together but when they’re broken up, too. They may love each other, but it definitely isn’t a healthy relationship." —alext4e3fc38a7
21.Sam and Freddie from iCarly.
"Sam was a literal bully, especially to Freddie. Freddie and Carly were the superior couple." —rachelmay
22.Owen and Cristina from Grey's Anatomy.
"Their relationship started out nicely, and we all loved them, but then they hit rock bottom. It was always him getting mad at Cristina for not wanting what he wanted, aka children and marriage. Then making her feel bad about it. Don’t forget him being in love with Teddy the entire time he was juggling his relationship with Cristina and Amelia." —xdaniellax
"Owen KNEW Cristina didn’t want kids but then hated her for standing by that choice when faced with an accidental pregnancy. Oh, and let’s not forget he cheated on her."
23.Olivia and Fitz from Scandal.
"I was a big fan because of the undeniable chemistry the two leads have. But only now am I realizing how toxic both were to each other. Even if we put aside the cheating factor, they still had a lot of issues. Fitz was obsessed with her to the point he started a war for her. And Olivia was also obsessed with him as she took part in election fraud and also could just never stay away from him. Not to forget that Olivia at the end of the show was toxic to everyone, and Fitz just forgave Olivia for every bad thing she did." —s4bb472acb
24.Archie and Veronica from Riverdale.
"In my opinion, they don’t have any chemistry AT ALL. They are so toxic and bring out the worst in the other. Archie’s character had so much potential, but once he got really involved with Veronica, it’s like he became a shell. Veronica showed more feelings for Archie than he did for her, and it didn’t help their relationship when literally every scene they had sex. I definitely feel at some point in the show, they outgrew each other but couldn’t admit it." —msjsa
"I could not care less about Varchie if I tried. It’s one of the most boring lead romances I’ve ever seen."
"They're by far the worst romance on the show. Sure, they have physical chemistry, but that's it. Their solution to everything is to hook up. They hold each other back and are just annoying to watch."
25.Mindy and Danny from The Mindy Project.
"Danny wanted her to be someone she was not and then shamed her. Danny basically split up from Mindy when she wanted to work AND have a baby. He wanted her to stay home and raise a bunch of baby Castellanos. Also, he constantly commented on her weight and the fact that her intelligence wasn't on his level." —ataraenglish
26.Finn and Rachel from Glee.
"They didn’t trust each other, and Rachel was constantly diminishing Finn's feelings; she was completely selfish." —saskiawillaert
27.Miles and Maya from Degrassi: The Next Generation.
"I used to love them together, but after rewatching their arc, I just feel 'meh' about their relationship. I think they genuinely cared about each other, but the relationship ultimately wasn't good for either of them. Maya was still processing Cam's death, and Miles had too much going on with his family. On top of that, I just didn't think they had all that much chemistry. Once they broke up for the third time, I was over it. I'd still prefer them over Miles and Tristan, though." —kellymartinez
28.Phoebe and Cole from Charmed.
"I know that they tried to make this huge character arc for Cole, but the stuff he did couldn’t overcome how he pulled Phoebe down and almost ruined her abilities. And let’s be real, he’s the reason Prue died, and Phoebe just forgave him." —sarahp48f2454d9
29.And finally, April and Jackson from Grey's Anatomy.
"It started off so sweet, both their fling and their marriage. But it soon became apparent how little respect they truly had for each other." —reginaphalange78
Reminder that I, Kelly Martinez, do not necessarily endorse all of these submissions!
Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.
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