21 Movie Cameos I Bet You Didn't Even Notice, They Were So Sneaky And Random
6 min read
1. Bet you didn't know that one of the rednecks in this random Deadpool 2 scene is none other than Matt Damon.
Alan Tudyk is the other redneck, but he's got less heavy makeup.
2. Or that Glenn Close plays a male pirate in Hook.
Her disguise was so good that costar Dante Basco didn't recognize her.
3. Did you know that Mark Hamill has played many other Star Wars characters than just Luke? For example, he played Dobbu Scay in The Last Jedi.
4. I doubt you spotted George Lucas's cameo as Baron Papanoida in Revenge of the Sith under all that blue makeup.
5.TIL that the claymation narwhal that voices the iconic line "Bye Buddy, I hope you find your dad" in Elf is none other than director Jon Favreau.
New Line Cinema, Ethan Miller / FilmMagic via Getty Images
6. And you probably didn't recognize him all grown up, but Ralphie from A Christmas Story has a small role in Elf.
7. I doubt you noticed that Albert Finney, who played Leo in Miller’s Crossing, also played a female bathroom attendant in the below scene.
8.Or that Michael J. Fox played not only Marty, but also most of his family in Back to the Future Part II.
Universal Pictures
9.LOTR superfan Stephen Colbert has such a small and unrecognizable cameo in The Hobbit that there's no way you noticed it!
10. Director Peter Jackson also had tiny cameos in LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring and The Hobbit as the same nondescript villager.
11. And even if you caught that one, there's no way you recognized him as this pirate Legolas shoots with an arrow in The Return of the King!
12. Jeff Bezos appeared in Star Trek Beyond, and I can guarantee none of you recognized him.
13. In an opposite example, you probably didn't recognize Ahmed Best, the actor who plays Jar Jar, in this Star Wars club scene.
Anthony Daniels, who voiced C3PO, also makes a cameo in the scene.
14. He's not wearing any prosthetics, but this Will Ferrell cameo in Impractical Jokers is SO tiny that I'm willing to bet you didn't notice it.
15. Jim Carrey obviously played the main character in Liar Liar, but did you know he also appeared as a background character? He was dressed as Fire Marshall Bill, a character he'd played on In Living Color.
16.Similarly, I'm sure you know Eddie Murphy starred in Coming to America, but did you know he also played Randy the singer and Saul in the barbershop scenes?
Paramount Pictures
17.Arsenio Hall and Eddie also play two more characters in the barbershop!
Paramount / courtesy Everett Collection
18. A random shot of a corpse in Hoffa is actually, funnily enough, Tim Burton.
In Hoffa (1992), there is a funeral scene with an overhead shot of multiple closed coffins, and one that’s open. The actor playing the corpse in the open casket is Tim Burton in an uncredited cameo. Director Danny DeVito cast him after starring in Burton’s Batman Returns (1992) earlier that year. from MovieDetails