20 Movie Couples Who Shouldn't Have Gotten Together At The End Of The Film
Growing up watching rom-coms, I have always romanticized the idea of finding the one true love, you know, finding one's soulmate. I wanted the Hollywood-style love — over the top gestures, running after them to the airport, and all that. Now that I am an adult, I realize that real life starts after the movie ends.
Netlfix / Via tenor.com
While it is the norm for the lead couple to get together at the end of a romantic movie, the truth is some of them really shouldn't have. In this Reddit thread by u/SalaciousDumb, people are pointing out couples who would have broken up after the movie ended — and I agree with most of them.
1.Nate and Andy from The Devil Wears Prada
"Anne Hathaway and Adrian Grenier were probably going to stay separated — her ambition would have probably carried her off into some other adventure, whereas his move to Boston was likely going to become the final nail in the coffin." —/xVIRIDISx
2.Andrew and Sam in Garden State
"That was one of the most shallow, idealistic onscreen relationships I think I’ve ever seen. Give it like a month, and I bet they realize they severely dislike each other." —u/Jeff___Lebowski
3.Bruce and Selina in The Dark Knight Rises
Warner Bros.
"Bruce and Selina from The Dark Knight Rises don't seem like a particularly stable couple to me." —u/emcoffey3
4.Claire and John in The Breakfast Club
"Molly Ringwald and Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club. All he is to her is someone to annoy Daddy. He’s also mentally scarred and a loose cannon that will probably end up in jail within a couple of years." —u/BojackStrowman
5.Joel and Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Universal Pictures / Via giphy.com
"My girlfriend and I constantly disagree about the ending of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I agree they will certainly just go through the same breakup and loss over again and look at the movie as having a tragically sad ending." —u/jfstompers
6.Bill and Jo in Twister
"Disaster films like Twister, where a divorced couple reconnect during a crisis, I bet wouldn't last a year before they'd break up again." —u/MovieMike007
7.Benjamin and Elaine in The Graduate
Universal Artists
"That last scene really says it all." —u/HeyyyJayyy
8.Diane and Lloyd in Say Anything
"Their relationship was already troubled. Taking that to a foreign country is probably going to add more pressures to an already strained relationship, not make it better." —u/TeamStark31
9.Sandy and Danny in Grease
"Sandy deserves better." —u/Hedrigall
10.Kirk and Molly in She's Out of My League
Paramount Pictures Studios
"Because she's out of his league and he'll sooner or later mess it up for that very reason." —u/Aesop-Ben
11.Ben and Allison in Knocked Up
"Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl in Knocked Up. He is too immature, and she’s too stuck up, LOL."
12.Tom and Violet in The Five Year Engagement
Universal Pictures
"They brought out the worst in each other, and I was actively hoping that they would stay apart at the end of the movie." —u/nayapapaya
13.Nick and Catherine in Basic Instinct
"Pretty sure Nick and Catherine had a messy breakup shortly after the events in Basic Instinct." —u/Obi_Wan_Benobi
14.Truman and Sylvia from The Truman Show
Paramount Pictures Studios
"I could imagine that falling apart pretty quickly. They'd probably be blissfully happy at first, but Truman's major trust issues would cause some serious problems." —u/HowPrude
15.Henry and Lucy in 50 First Dates
"What a sweet idea and plot that in reality wouldn't work after a few weeks because having to go through the same routine every fucking day would grind you down to nothing in short order.
I don't care if you were a saint; after a while, you would just walk away, and honestly because she wouldn't remember anything, you wouldn't be the bad man at all." —u/Love_To_Burn_Fiji
16.Tianna and the Prince from The Princess and the Frog
"They were bickering with each other throughout most of the film. I don't see how that's going to end up as a happy marriage." —u/muffle64
17.John and Melora in Magnolia
"Their relationship was beautiful. But I can’t see it working out at all long-term with the amount of emotional baggage she was still carrying at the end of the film. Not to mention she’s a drug addict, and he’s a very law-abiding cop. That would be bound to create complications eventually. I feel like they’d try their best to make it work, but it would ultimately end in them splitting up." —u/KrillinDBZ363
18.Victor Laslo and Ilsa in Casablanca
MGM / Via tenor.com
"I think she'd get sick of him and go back to Rick after a few years." —u/albandero
19.Debra and Baby in Baby Driver
"Debra and Baby from Baby Driver 100% would not make it long. The only reason she was there after he got out of jail is that she was single at the time, in my mind anyway." —u/Alwynson
20.Pat and Tiffany in Silver Linings Playbook
"Dancing won't cure their mental illnesses; they're right back to screaming at each other five minutes after the credits roll." —u/ScreamingGordita