18 Times Series Finales Gave A Character The Perfect Ending Vs. 17 Times They Left Us With Some BS
It's hard to nail a series finale. You have to wrap up all the loose ends (well, usually) and give satisfying endings to all our characters. And let's just say that some finales...well, they miss the mark.
Lookin' at you, Killing Eve. ????(PS — Spoilers for Killing Eve, and a bunch of other less recent shows, ahead.)????
Here are 18 characters who got the perfect ending to their arc, and 17 character endings that literally made zero sense.
1.Parfait: Korra and Asami ending up together in Legend of Korra.
It was an understated ending, and I think that's why I like it so much. While I still think they should've kissed, having Asami and Korra end up together felt so natural and right for the two of them, and I was so glad to see Korra especially find some peace after all she'd been through. I never would've guessed that they'd be together at the start of the show, but their arcs led them right to each other, and it was perfect.
2.Made literally zero sense: Villanelle dying on Killing Eve.
This was far too predictable. Killing Eve was all about a subversion of the spy genre, and this ending felt like a cheap copout. It made the entire show feel pointless — and I gotta be honest, I'm getting reallyyyyy tired of the whole "we're hugging/kissing then pull away and I realize you've been shot" trope, as well as the "one half of a couple dies JUST as the couple gets their happily ever after" trope, especially when it happens to queer couples. Enough!!!
3.~Parfait~: Angel entering an impossible fight on Angel.
The Angel finale is divisive, and for good reason. It ends completely open-ended, essentially with our remaining heroes (minus Wesley) about to die (and Gunn already dying). It seems like there's no way they can win, then the show just...ends. As frustrating as this was as a viewer, I actually loved it for the show and Angel's character. The entire show is very bleak, and is essentially about continuing to fight evil even though you will certainly, without a doubt, lose. Angel himself sums it up best in Season 2 — "If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do." And that message carried on right through to the end.
4.Made literally zero sense: Aria and Ezra getting married and looking into adoption on Pretty Little Liars.
Having Ezria end up together is truly just horrible messaging to teenagers, seeing as A) he was her teacher, and B) he only got close to her to work on a book about Alison. I really would've liked to see Aria on her own for once in the finale, because I think she had a LOT more growing to do. I also hated the infertility storyline they rushed into the finale — if they wanted to explore that, they needed more episodes. The end of the show felt very much like the only happy ending for women is getting married and having children — unless you're a Career Girl? like Spencer. I think a better end for Aria would be breaking up with Ezra and traveling solo, and working on a book of her own. Also, in WHAT WORLD would Aria's parents condone this marriage, let alone show up and smile as their daughter married her teacher???
5.Parfait: Stefan reuniting with Lexi in the afterlife on The Vampire Diaries.
While I was upset that Caroline and Stefan didn't get their happy ending, I actually felt like Stefan's sacrifice was the perfect end to his arc. For a character so focused on epic love for so many seasons, there was something about him reuniting with Lexi that subverted expectations and warmed my heart. In the end, the most pure love of the show was that between best friends and family (a message also emphasized in Damon reunited with Stefan and Elena reuniting with her family in the afterlife). Stefan also just looks so purely happy when he sees Lexi, like he can finally let go of all the guilt and brooding of the last eight seasons.
6.Made literally no sense: Rory announcing she's pregnant in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.
Look, I get it. Series finales are tempted to make things come full circle (see One Tree Hill later in the list for an example of how to do it right). But sometimes, doing so just makes the story feel repetitive and cyclical in a bad way, like the characters have learned nothing and nothing that's happened on the show has mattered. Rory became a really frustrating character by the end of Gilmore Girls, and it was difficult to see her continue to make questionable choices in the revival. I would've preferred to see a more solid ending for Rory rather than one so open-ended, where she's pregnant and we don't even know who the father is. Gilmore Girls is not the type of show that can pull off a cliffhanger series finale like Angel did.
7.~Parfait~: The Secret Service being with Leslie and Ben in the flash-forward at the end of Parks and Recreation.
I like to believe that both Ben and Leslie were president at different times (Leslie obviously first), and I love that this suggested that. Also, honorable mention to Jerry becoming mayor of Pawnee and living to be 100. It's what he deserved.
8.Made literally zero sense: Jin staying behind to die with Sun on Lost.
This didn't happen in the finale, but it's close enough that I'm counting it, especially as it closed out Jin's character arc for the series. While I like the idea that after all this time, Jin would do anything for Sun, THEY HAVE A NEWBORN CHILD. I actually think it would've been a much stronger and more heart-wrenching choice for Jin to leave Sun behind so that he can be a father. Their poor kid.
9.Parfait: Helena giving birth and settling into domestic life with her sisters in Orphan Black.
As unconventional a character as Helena was, this was really all she ever wanted, and it was such a sweet ending not just for her character, but all the clones. I love that all the clones ended up living happily ever after, and that Cosima and Delphine were traveling the world helping the other clones, too.
10.Made literally no sense: Hurley becoming the guardian of the island on Lost.
I have mixed feelings on Jack dying. I liked how it came full circle with him waking up in the grass in the pilot, but I also think Jack should've stayed guardian. I feel like the above scene was supposed to be heartfelt and special for Hurley, because this honor is, like, bestowed on him, but it's also damning him to a life on the island, which felt like a much better fate for Jack, who clearly could not move on from his time there. Hurley was a good choice in leader, but it still felt like a slap in the face for Kate and the others to escape and leave Hurley behind.
11.~Parfait~: Miley coming back to go to Stanford with Lilly at the end of Hannah Montana.
This was the perfect end for Miley's arc. Yes, the show ended with her embracing her identity as Hannah, but having her fully become that identity would have felt cheap after an entire show about Miley trying to have a normal life. Even though we knew Miley's college experience wouldn't be "normal," having her choose to follow Lilly (rather than the other way around) instead of starting a movie career felt so true to the show and her character.
12.Made literally zero sense: Nate running for mayor of New York in the flash-forward at the end of Gossip Girl.
He was literally dating 16-year-old Sage before the time jump. He'd gotten arrested that season. I honestly can't remember if he actually went to college. His dad was in jail. I just don't see this guy being a mayoral candidate. He has WAY too many skeletons in the closet.
13.~Parfait~: Jamie playing on the Ravens in the One Tree Hill series finale flash-forward.
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This provided the perfect full-circle moment for the series, and it felt right for Jamie's character — even though there's no WAY Jamie grew that tall.
14.Made literally zero sense: Regina becoming the Good Queen at the end of Once Upon a Time.
I feel like I'm going to anger some Regina fans here, but Regina spent YEARS as an evil queen when she literally killed people. I'm all for a good redemption arc, but making her the Good Queen? A bit too far.
15.~Parfait~: Alexis moving to New York at the end of Schitt's Creek.
Alexis was always a star, and though much of her arc was learning about becoming more caring and compromising, a lot of it was also about her really coming into her own power and skill as a professional. It feels like the end of Schitt's Creek was really just the start for Alexis, and I love finales that give that feeling!
16.Made literally zero sense: Rachel getting off the plane at the end of Friends.
I've talked before about this moment being romantic and feeling right for their arc as a couple/in the show, but if we're talking about character...I don't think it was the right choice for Rachel, and it was frustrating knowing that she'd given up her dream job.
17.~Parfait~: Kimmy opening a theme park for her books at the end of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.
This was such a sweet ending that reconciled the colorful, sometimes absurd nature of the show with the message of female empowerment. I was so happy that Kimmy got her happy ending and she was spreading joy to kids everywhere — it was the perfect ending for her.
18.Made literally zero sense: Ted going after Robin at the end of How I Met Your Mother.
Ugh. Do I even need to go into detail on this one? We all hate this relationship, and it cheapened the entire premise of the show.
19.~Parfait~: Mercedes being the opening act for Beyoncé at the end of Glee.
(Kim Kardashian West voice) It's what she deserves.
20.Made literally zero sense: Serena marrying Dan in the Gossip Girl flash-forward.
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He literally stalked her and her friends for YEARS and wrote Serena as this horrible person in both his books. I hate this ending for Serena.
21.~Parfait~: David staying in town and buying a house with Patrick at the end of Schitt's Creek.
David's arc was much more about learning to love himself and others and being more confident. He really came into his own, and a quiet life with his husband running a brand he was really passionate about in a community he loved was the perfect ending for him — not to mention for Patrick, who clearly didn't want to move to New York.
22.Made literally zero sense: Amy moving to New York at the end of Secret Life of the American Teenager.
I'm all for Amy going to college and pursuing a career, but it honestly felt really out of character to just leave John in a different state with Ricky. And then Ben was still trying to get with Amy in New York, suggesting they might get back together??? Ugh. Not the ending I wanted.
23.~Parfait~: Alaric starting the Salvatore School for the Young and the Gifted at the end of The Vampire Diaries.
This was a great ending for Alaric that showed how he was able to move on and stay close to his kids, while also bringing up a new legacy (ha, get it?) of teen supernatural beings. And it spawned a whole spinoff!
24.Made literally zero sense: Piper moving to be near Alex at the end of Orange Is the New Black.
I felt as if the point of the last season of OITNB was that Piper and Alex were NOT supposed to be together. It was also kind of annoying to see Piper get this kind of cheesy, unrealistic ending when most of the other characters had such bleak endings.
25.~Parfait~: Sansa becoming queen of the North at the end of Game of Thrones.
This is 100% what Sansa deserved, and it felt so fitting for the end of her arc. She'd grown so much over the show, and this felt like the perfect ending for her.
26.Made literally zero sense: Sue being vice president in the Glee flash-forward.
I know this was supposed to be funny, but I can't even suspend disbelief enough to enjoy this. It's more stupid for her arc than Rachel ditching Funny Girl.
27.~Parfait~: Taystee teaching a class at the end of Orange Is the New Black.
While I hate that Taystee never got the justice she deserved, I love that she became hopeful at the end of the show and decided to view life in prison as something she could use to give back to other inmates. I LOVED that she started the fund for Poussey, and it ended up feeling like a fitting ending for Taystee, even though I hoped for better.
28.Made literally zero sense: Bran becoming king at the end of Game of Thrones.
This feels like another one I don't have to go into. Of all the people who could've ruled...we really had to end up with Boring Bran?
29.~Parfait~: Walt dying at the end of Breaking Bad.
Walt's arc really only could've had one ending — I don't even feel that prison would've been satisfying. This just felt right for the character and the show.
30.Made literally zero sense: Katara and Aang finally getting together at the end of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
It never really felt as if Katara liked Aang back, and even though this was a sweet ending for Aang, it didn't feel right for Katara. Zutara forever!!!
31.~Parfait~: Jesse driving away at the end of Breaking Bad.
Jesse had been through SO MUCH, and seeing him with genuine elation at the end of the show was so cathartic. I loved that we got El Camino, too, and saw that he truly did find peace.
32.Made literally zero sense: Liam stopping Annie's plane and proposing to her on 90210.
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Look, I'm sorry, but I hated Annie and Liam. This felt overly cheesy and rushed, and, like...did it really need to happen in front of Naomi? If we deserved any high school couple reunion here, it should've been Naomi and Max. I didn't like this for Annie or Liam.
33.~Parfait~: Tahani becoming an architect at the end of The Good Place.
Eleanor, Chidi, and Jason finding peace at the end of The Good Place was the perfect end for their arcs (especially Chidi's), but Tahani going on to become an architect was a much better fit for her. I loved that she was spending eternity helping people become better.
34.Made literally zero sense: Silver getting cancer and contemplating suicide (right after losing her baby) at the end of 90210.
This was WAY too bleak for a teen drama series finale. Shoutout to Dixon's speech about her strength for giving us (and Silver) a little bit of hope, but still. This feels like a midseason storyline. After all Silver had been through, it would've been really nice to leave her in a good spot in the series finale.
35.And finally, ~parfait~: Michael becoming human at the end of The Good Place.
Michael's entire arc was about learning to love and understand humanity, and it was his dream to be able to experience it. Giving him this ending was the PERFECT reward for a really powerful arc.