Angus Cloud recounted the 2013 event, saying he was by himself at night while walking through downtown Oakland and "didn’t notice the construction pit in front of him until he was already falling." He apparently woke up at the bottom of the ditch 12 hours later: “I was trapped. I eventually climbed out after — I don’t know how long. It was hella hard to climb out, because my skull was broken, but my skin wasn’t, so all the bleeding was internal, pressing up against my brain."
Angus somehow managed to climb out, even with a few broken fingers, and he took a bus to his mom's house. His vision was blurry and his speech was stunted, so she thought he was high on something: "I was 14 or 15. She thought I was on drugs ’cause my pupils was hella dilated. I was trying to tell her what happened, but I could only start a sentence — I couldn’t finish it. So I was like, ‘I’m just gonna go sleep in my bed.’”
Thankfully, she refused to let him sleep and instead gave him water, which caused him to throw up "hella mouthfuls of crimson red blood," before taking him to the hospital: "That’s what the scar’s from. They cut my head open, they put some screws and a plate over where I broke my skull and — sh*t, sealed me back up, and that was that.”