The Prettiest Mermaid Hair on Instagram
mermaid rainbow hair
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Thin saturated ribbons that fade out at the tips.
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And under-dye in tie-dye brights.
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Opalescent under-dye in sea foam, aqua and rose.
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Rainbow Brite, but make it modern.
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This high ombré pony fades from baby bubblegum right on through all the pastels of Roy G. Biv.
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A violet gray base, set off in hot hits of magenta, sapphire, and turquoise.
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Gray pearl white, threaded with cool pastels.
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A sensory sunset in fiery hues of geranium, coral, and fuchsia.
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Quintessential rainbow hair on a platinum blonde base.
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Somehow, chunks of citron, mint, raspberry and grape look totally natural.
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A neon green and cerulean base that drift to near-white ends.