John Mayer Just Vlogged His Skin Care Routine, and It’s Everything
There’s a new beauty vlogger in town, and his first few videos have us totally hooked and wanting more.
John Mayer offered up a tongue-in-cheek tutorial yesterday on Snapchat called “Skin Care Secrets with John.” The 38-year-old musician launched his account on Wednesday, and he’s wasting no time in providing his fans with what they’re clamoring for. “You know, a lot of people ask me, ‘John, what are your skin care secrets?‘” Mayer opens with. “And I say, ‘That’s an odd question to ask me.’ And they say, ‘John, you literally just asked me to ask that.'”

With a bandanna holding his hair back from his face, the singer then launches into a series of silly “skin hacks” — except he uses some very legit, high-end products by NaturaBissé. He muses that the brand might be “used mainly by people in their 60s and 70s,” but regardless, he’s a devotee — he especially prefers the Diamond Collection.
But before he can use any product, he must wash his face with Proactiv — no big shock here, since he’s a spokesperson for the brand. Then we see the singer introduce skin Hack No. 1, his “direct application technique,” which means squirting lotion directly onto his face, so he doesn’t waste any of his precious, pricey moisturizer by getting it caught in the creases of his fingers. Of course.

Then he breaks out his eye cream, spilling an industry secret: Eye cream is just face cream, except a lot more expensive and in a smaller bottle, he insists. As Hack No. 2, he directly applies a layer of the cream to his already moisturized complexion. That’s two layers of lotion, for whoever is counting.
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Hack No. 3 is all about warding off those smile lines. Here, he applies his Vitamin C and E complex cream all around his mouth, in a technique he dubs “the offset smiley.” After this third layer of cream, it’s time for the “pièce de résistance,” otherwise known as NaturaBissé’s Diamond Extreme cream, or, according to Mayer, some crazy sh**.”

“I’ve placed it in the crucial necessity zones,” Mayer points out. These are “predesignated areas I need moisture the most.” Then our beauty guru takes a cotton swab and “Slowly, slowly, slowly,” works the precious serum into his face. Two hours later, and voilà! Hack No. 4 is complete.

The singer’s nightly regimen concludes with a spritz of Naturabissé Diamond Mist Spray “to set in all the moisturizers.” Again, it’s all about technique. You don’t use direct application here. Instead, you spray the product in front you “and head butt … and head butt” your face into the mist.
A quick brush of the teeth, and Mayer’s all ready for his beauty sleep. And there you have it: A Snapchat star is born.
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