Miranda Kerr’s Yogi on Being in the Moment
Australia’s hottest yogi serves up some inspiration on what getting that model glow is really all about…
Photo Credit: At Dusk
AUSSIE CHARLOTTE DODSON‘S sun-drenched, dreamy Insta-feed and aspirational yet totally approachable style of yoga, a mix of gorgeous poses, quick demo videos, and inspirational quotes on fleek had us at hello. And then we realized something. This wasn’t just any yogi – this was Miranda Kerr’s yogi.
If like attracts like, Charlotte’s extensive celeb clientele is just proof of her own radiant star power. Miranda said it best: “With yoga I believe it’s really important who you have as a teacher, to me Charlotte is the best – her energy is really grounding and nurturing. It has become a part of my life.”
This yoga life coach is Australia’s go-to gal for the latest and greatest in the holistic world, and her sweetness and enthusiasm are more than refreshing amidst the slew of harsh, pseudo-fitspirational personalities and approaches out there in the wellness world (you know, where it’s all about beating you down to build you up).
Read our interview with Charlotte below and catch a few more in our Yoga Matters series here. Sign up for a free month of this yoga star’s online classes below and you’ll be girl-crushing right along with us: this is a woman who’s all about smiling, staying enthusiastic, and being kind to others. Sure, the poses matter – but to us, that kind of attitude is what yoga is really about.
NAME: Charlotte Dodson
STUDIO: Charlotte Dodson Yoga
WHAT ORIGINALLY DREW ME TO YOGA: I love being active and it has always been an important part of my life. Yoga actually found me; it was a blessing in disguise. I moved from advertising into teaching yoga, and now it’s my full time passion. I got into yoga by accident (literally), and it completely changed my life …
It started when, on a weekend away, I broke my arm surfing. It meant my daily boxing and soft-sand running schedule came to a stand still. I had loved the adrenaline of being fit and healthy, and then suddenly I had to stop everything that was important to me in my world – I got thrown onto another path. Ultimately, the practice and teaching of yoga has shown me that as I follow what I truly wish for in my life, my path will lead me the right way and I won’t need to question the journey I’m on.
BIGGEST INSPIRATION: My incredible teacher Eileen Hall has aided me immensely in deepening my knowledge and appreciation for yoga. I’ve also had magical insights and deep wisdom from Richard Freeman, David Swenson and Mark Robberds – it’s important to keep growing and evolving every day through the art of being open and receptive to a wide variety of perspectives.
WHEN I’M NOT ON THE MAT, I’M: Walking my doggies along the coast, dipping into the ocean and soaking up the great outdoors. Nature teaches us that beauty exists everywhere – both inside and outside of ourselves.
FAVORITE POSE: I love the dancers pose (Natrajasana). It teaches us that “life is a dancer and you are the dance.” (Eckhart Tolle)
I WISH THAT MORE PEOPLE REALIZED THAT YOGA… Is a positive lifestyle; it’s far more than trying to touch your toes! Yoga is a great place to start to create a healthy body and state of mind. We all need to build strength and confidence, gain flexibility and maintain our postural alignment, remain grounded and find balance in our journey. Practicing yoga (in combination with a meditation practice) can also give everyone time to rest, rejuvenate and ‘be’ true to themselves.
PROJECT OR CAUSE I AM MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT: I love animals! We’re closely linked to the animal world. Just watching an animal closely can take you out of your mind-distractions and bring you into the present moment, which is where animals live all the time. This is what yoga teaches us: to live in the now.
BIGGEST LESSON YOGA HAS TAUGHT ME: To slow down (big ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh on the exhale!). To truly live and cherish every single moment and every breath, rather than hurrying and rushing through life – otherwise we miss out on what’s right in front of us. Yoga has taught me to b-r-e-a-t-h-e, one breath at a time, and to live each moment, one blessing at a time.
For me, in this current moment, yoga is life – it’s a calm positive state of mind, to simply sit comfortably and be, without artifice or pretense. That’s the challenge for most of us, to train our busy minds to become stiller and to follow our intuition, our heart. To come back to the essence of who we really are, by listening to ourselves. It might sound hard, and it’s something I’m always working on, but it sure makes life a lot easier!
BIGGEST LESSON I HOPE TO TEACH THROUGH YOGA: Stay enthusiastic. Sometimes life can have its challenges but the key is to keep moving forward, fearlessly. The challenges soon fade away and evolve into learning opportunities for expansion. The yoga class is a perfect life metaphor – as we build strength and openness, and as the poses become easier to safely perform, the exertion and concentration eventually disappears, transforming the practice into a moving meditation.
Everything you do with your body can affect your thoughts and attitude. Sometimes, something as subtle as a shift in a yoga posture can lighten a dark mood. When someone stands tall, with dignity – opening and broadening their chest – and walks with confidence, they announce to the world (and, most importantly, to themselves) that they are grounded, happy and in tune with their surroundings.
MOST REWARDING YOGA-RELATED EXPERIENCE: My teacher, Eileen Hall, once said to me, “you don’t need to try anymore.” She said, “let go and your world will open up.” For years I was wondering what I should be letting go of. And then it hit home one day. It was to let go of everything, no more predicting the future or holding on to the past. Yoga, for me, was actually the opportunity to drop everything – fears, expectations, and even thoughts. I learned, finally, that our breath is the anchor for us all to live in the present moment. This is the ultimate gift: to live in the now.
Write my book
Grow my herbal garden
Start my charity foundation
Spread positive vibes through an in-development TV Show (resident ‘yoga life coach’)
Travel the world and touch someone’s heart wherever I go!
ADVICE I WOULD GIVE MY 16 YEAR-OLD SELF: S-m-i-l-e. It’s contagious! And give yourself a hug of gratitude – everyday! Laughter really is the best medicine.
PERSONAL MANTRA: Live, love, laugh.
TCM Reader Exclusive: Want to get your flow on with Charlotte? Get a free monthly subscription to charlottedodson.tv (valued at $19.95), filled with online classes to look and feel star-shaped! To sign up, click here and enter promo password THECHALKBOARDMAG at checkout. Namaste!
Offer valid until June 30th, 2015.
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