Do Skin Care Products Containing Stem Cells Actually Make You Look Younger?

Find out if they’re worth your dime. (Photo: Shutterstock)
As skin care brands continue to make crazy-scientific advancements, stem-cell products are popping up more and more in dermatology offices and on makeup counters everywhere. So what’s all the hype about?
“Stem cells are extremely beneficial in the natural process of healing and regeneration,” says Jessica Weiser, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in New York City. They’re found in all living things and have the ability to turn into all different kinds of cells and help the body regenerate.
Your skin is already packed with stem cells. As you age, you start to lose them, and by the time you hit 50, you’ve lost about 98 percent of them. Yikes! “When you’re young, the average turnover for your skin is about 25 to 30 days,” says Hal Simeroth, Ph.D., chief technical officer and founder of Stemology, a stem cell-based skin care line. “When we get older, the production slows down, [and] the turnover can take up to 60 days. When it’s exposed to the elements longer, it loses that youthful vibrant look.” That’s where products come in.

Stem cells are not without their controversy, though. The use of embryonic ones for research purposes is a hot-button issue (according to the National Institutes of Health, they’re generally derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized through IVF and then donated to research).
While some skin care companies do use human stem cells, they come from adults, not emrbyos—and most products on the market contain plant-based stem cells. Simeroth explains that the stem-cell skin care products you see on the shelf don’t even contain actual stem cells, but rather the proteins and amino acids that the youthful cells secrete.
“This is what your body recognizes and can use to help rejuvenate and repair cells,” says Simeroth. “These are the natural body healers.”
The cocktail of proteins and amino acids that are harvested from the actual stem cells themselves signal your own cells to produce more collagen and elastin and ultimately fire up the rejuvenation process. Say hello to the fountain of youth.
“Primarily botanical stem cells are used in these products in order to avoid the controversies of source and method of extraction associated with animal- and human-derived stem cells,” says Weiser. “Grape, raspberry, lilac, rose, and edelweiss are common botanical sources.”
It’s important to note that stem-cell science is still in its infancy, and even though not all derms are totally convinced that stem cells by themselves are miracle anti-agers, they do agree that these products are still packed with age-defying benefits.

“I believe that these products are worth using primarily for their high concentration of antioxidants, which work to reverse UV-induced skin damage, and also for their potential to improve cell turnover and renewal,” says Weiser, who recommends stem-cell products in conjunction with retinol-based products as part of an anti-aging regimen.
Want to try some yourself? Here are a few of our favorites:
Stemology Cell Renew Hydro-Plus Overnight Moisturizer ($75, Along with plant-based stem cells, this bedtime face lotion is packed with hyaluronic acid to plump up the skin.
Lifeline Skincare Daily Defense Complex ($160, This potent moisturizer contains non-embryonic human stem cells and antioxidants to brighten the complexion.
Juice Beauty Stem Cellular Booster Serum ($75, The fruit-based stem cells, vitamin C, and vegetable hyaluronic acid in this gel serum help to improve skin texture and tone.
The key to harnessing these age-defying effects is to start young. “We’re trying to mimic what the body does naturally when you’re younger by resorting the growth factor,” says Simeroth. In other words: Start the stem-cell regimen sooner, and you’ll slow down your natural aging process.
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