6 Tips to Help Your Facial Hair Grow

David Beckham knows how to make a beard look good. Get tips for growing your facial hair in time for Movember. (Photo: Getty Images)
While the history of facial hair goes back to the beginning of time, the history of Movember (a diminutive of ‘mustache’ and 'November’) goes back to 2004, when it started in Australia and New Zealand to raise awareness for men’s health issues. In 2007, events started popping up all over Europe and the United States and today, it’s almost impossible not to take notice of the event every fall.
Whether you are in it to raise awareness for prostate cancer or just like the opportunity to grow a really impressive mustache, it’s a great time to experiment with facial hair — but it’s not always easy. Growing facial hair can be a challenge. It can be thin, patchy, or a completely different color than the hair on your head. But since it’s only mid-October, you’ve got a little bit of time to prepare for growing season. Here are some tips to help you along the way:
Eat and sleep well
Sleep is when your body repairs itself — that includes damaged skin cells. The better (and more) sleep you get, the healthier your skin will be for growth. Diet also has an impact on hair growth, so consider upping your intake of protein, vitamin A, B, C, and E to help speed up hair growth. Eat fruits and vegetables rich in these vitamins, and drink plenty of water for hydration. And for God’s sake, no smoking!
Skincare basics
Taking care of your skin is key. Once a week exfoliation is a good habit to get into regardless of whether you are trying to grow your facial hair, but it certainly helps if you are looking to grow a nice beard. The massage you get from exfoliation will help stimulate blood flow in the skin and stimulate hair growth. Exfoliation also helps with ingrown hairs. Hydrated skin is also important, so don’t forget to moisturize.
Give it time
It can be frustrating, but give it time! Hair grows at different rates, so by the time you have some nice length, those 'bald’ spots may be stimulated enough to start growing in. “If you are experiencing slow hair growth, there’s not much you can do but wait and have patience,” says Dr. Furqan H. Tejani. Keeping it trimmed will minimize any wild look you get from the different length hairs.
Massage your face
“Apply some eucalyptus oil to your face and gently rub your cheeks as it is good for this purpose. It will have an effect on facial hair growth as it helps keep those pores unclogged and hair follicles healthy,” says Tejani, who recommends a nightly face massage. “Small circular movements a few minutes a day to boost faster hair growth.”
Avoid stress
Stress can leave unfavorable effects on your hair by thinning and preventing its growth. By disrupting your immune system, stress can limit your ability to grow facial hair. Mediation or exercise can help to improve blood circulation (and keep you relaxed), which will help you grow the desired beard or mustache.
Consider artificial options
“Genetics and medical conditions affect hair growth and limits how much you can do to overcome thin facial hair,” says Tejani. If you want facial hair and can’t wait, consult with your doctor to see if a facial hair transplant is right for you.