5 Best Smelling Soaps for the Shower
A shower is as much about feeling clean as actually being clean. You want to step out of that tub invigorated, like you’re ready to take on the world (or at least that lingering spreadsheet waiting at the office). These five products will turn you into a pristine canvas for your cologne of choice.
By: Eric Sullivan, Photographs by Levi Brown
The Farm-to-Tub Gel
The scouts at Cali’s Juniper Ridge forage ingredients and distill them into products like Inyo Trail Crew body soap, which smells like the best camping trip ever.
$30, juniperridge.com
A Softer Bar Soap
No more sandpaper skin: Baxter of California Vitamin Cleansing Bar's blue glycerin strip helps hydrate.
$16, baxterofcalifornia.com
Always Play Rough
Weekly, it’s essential to slough off the grit a gentler soap can’t get at. In Aēsop’s Geranium Leaf Body Scrub,pumice and bamboo do that dirty work.
$35, aesop.com
Face Wash, Minus the Face Burn
Most face washes feel like napalm. Kiehl’s Facial Fuel dissolves oil without doing the same to your skin.
$20, kiehls.com
One Heady Aroma
You’re lucky that Bulgari’s Aqua Amara shampoo goes onto your hair: Its spicy, citrusy scent will be that much closer to your nose. $38, bulgari.com
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