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Senior White House Correspondent, HuffPost
- HuffPost
Trump Finally Arrives In Ireland For Taxpayer-Funded Visit To His Golf Resort
The president refused to visit the capital, Dublin, and instead insisted that the prime minister meet him at or near his Doonbeg golf course on the Atlantic Coast.
- HuffPost
Pastor Casts Doubt On White House Claim That Trump Wanted To Pray For Shooting Victims
The Virginia pastor wrote that the White House called just before the president's arrival and asked him to pray for Trump as part of "Pray for President Trump Day."
- HuffPost
Campaign Money Helping Make Up For Tenant Shortage At Trump Tower
As commercial renters flee, Trump keeps spending $37,500 a month in campaign funds at his own building — even though much of the Republican Party’s leased space in Virginia is going unused.
- HuffPost
Trump Visits Church On Franklin Graham’s ‘Pray For Donald Trump Day’
Trump stopped at a Northern Virginia church on the way back to the White House after another golf outing without bothering to change.
- HuffPost
Trump’s Golf Costs: $102 Million And Counting, With Taxpayers Picking Up The Tab
Trump promised never to golf. Instead, he's spent more than twice as many days golfing as Obama at the same point, costing taxpayers over three times as much.