Jocelyn Solis-Moreira
- Yahoo Life
What is precocious puberty? Experts explain.
Experts explains what precocious puberty is and the signs that parents should look out for.
- Yahoo Life
How often should you wash your bra? Here's what experts recommend.
Should you wash your bras as often as you wash your underwear? And when is it time to get rid of a bra? Experts explain.
- Yahoo Life
What you need to know about natural family planning, according to experts
Natural family planning is a pregnancy prevention method that doesn’t involve medications or devices. But how effective is it?
- Yahoo Life
6 important facts about menopause, according to experts
Here are some important facts about menopause that you may not know, according to experts.
- Yahoo Life
8 common questions about acne, answered by dermatologists
Here’s why acne can happen at any age, how certain foods and stress play a role in acne, and the best way to treat it.
- Yahoo Life
What exactly is gut health, and why is it important?
Trillions of microorganisms call your gut home — and they have a big impact on your health. Here's how to maintain a healthy gut, according to experts.
- Yahoo Life
Why is having sex and inserting tampons painful for some? Vaginismus explained
Vaginismus is an involuntary tightening of the vaginal muscles, which can make everything from sex to inserting tampons painful.
- Yahoo Life
What does the color of your pee reveal about your health? Doctors explain
The color of your urine can serve as a window on your general state of health. Here's a guide for interpreting what you see.
- Yahoo Life
Why is it hard to sleep in the heat? Experts explain.
Sleeping in a hot room messes with your sleep. Here's why — and what the idea room temperature is for a good night's rest.