Jerry Adler has been a journalist since the invention of movable type. He covered Brooklyn for the New York Daily News before the first hipsters were born, and science, architecture, politics, medicine, and religion for Newsweek since the trial of Galileo. His hobby is writing satirical light verse for his blog, jerryadlersnewsverse.com.
- Yahoo News
When will we hear from Donald Trump again?
Americans now must acknowledge that the once unthinkable has occurred: @RealDonaldTrump is really gone for good from Twitter.
- Yahoo News
As Trump departs office, reality sets in for QAnon cult
The fantasy ended at noon on Jan. 20, when President Biden took the oath of office, while the erstwhile QAnon hero, now just Donald Trump, ex-president, skulked off to his estate in Florida without even a Twitter account to his name.
- Yahoo News
If it takes a miracle for Trump to stay in office, evangelicals like Michele Bachmann are fine with that
As the inevitability of President Trump’s loss became?apparent even to his acolyte Kellyanne Conway?in recent days, his supporters increasingly pinned their hopes for a second term on a last-ditch appeal, not to the Supreme Court, but to the one power that can outvote it: God.
- Yahoo News
Biden aide Klain welcomes Trump saying 'He won' — before Trump takes it all back
President Trump appeared to admit Joe Biden won the election — before taking it back 90 minutes later.
- Yahoo News
How will history view Trump — and us?
Being impeached and then denied a second term are poor recommendations for presidential immortality, and Trump is likely to go down in history more for his sullen, graceless exit than his accomplishments.
- Yahoo News
Trump spends a morning at home tweeting his heart out
Plummeting in the polls and confined to the White House with nothing on his public schedule, President Trump spent much of Wednesday morning in a frenzy of tweets and retweets.
- Yahoo News
PHOTOS: Some of the many times Trump has appeared in public without covering his face
One of the most pressing questions raised by President Trump falling ill with COVID-19 has been when, exactly, he contracted the coronavirus. It’s impossible to know for sure, in part because he has had so many interactions with aides, family members, political figures and strangers.
- Yahoo News
Trump’s doctor admits he avoided saying president was on oxygen
In an optimistic briefing on President Trump’s condition Sunday morning, White House physician Dr. Sean Conley admitted to reporters he had tried to conceal the fact that the president had received oxygen at the White House.
- Yahoo News
From both sides, thoughts and prayers for Trump, some more heartfelt than others
Americans from across the political spectrum are offering prayers to the president as he battles COVID-19. Sadly, the virus hasn’t shown itself to be particularly susceptible to prayer.
- Yahoo News
Don't count on ever seeing Trump's 'Garden of American Heroes'
Call me cynical, but I have a feeling the National Garden of American Heroes announced by President Trump on Friday will never get off — or into — the ground, even if he doesn’t put his son-in-law in charge of it. Establishing an official United States Hall of Fame will secure the reputations of Betsy Ross and Benjamin Franklin from the changing political winds, no less than the one in Cooperstown, N.Y., preserves for the ages the memories of Ted Williams and Roberto Clemente.
- Yahoo News
Trump and Churchill: A new book looks at both, and chooses Trump
Donald Trump, as described in a new book with the grandiloquent title “Trump and Churchill: Defenders of Western Civilization,” purports to show how an untested, bombastic real estate speculator grew into greatness.
- Yahoo News
Trump pushes 'warp speed' effort on coronavirus vaccine, ignoring lessons from a long-ago drug calamity
Along with everyone else in the world, President Trump wants a coronavirus vaccine now. The most optimistic time by which a coronavirus vaccine might be ready, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading infectious disease specialist on the president’s coronavirus task force, is 12 to 18 months.
- Yahoo News
'The safest place to be': A coronavirus researcher on life inside a biosafety level 3 lab
Sara Cherry, a microbiologist at the University of Pennsylvania, feels safer at work than almost anywhere else. That’s because she works inside a biosafety level 3 laboratory on the Penn campus in Philadelphia, where she is the scientific director of the High-Throughput Screening Core.
- Yahoo News
Video: Mike Pence showers praise on Trump's leadership in pandemic
The vice president has demonstrated one crucial ability for his post: to sprinkle every public utterance with the phrase “Under your leadership, Mr. President...”
- Yahoo News
Las Vegas mayor says 'free enterprise' will allow restaurants to reopen safely
The mayor of Las Vegas, pressing to reopen businesses in her city, said “competition” would ensure that they operated safely during the coronavirus pandemic.
- Yahoo News
Can you tell a coronavirus cough from a regular cold? There could be an app for that.
Everyone knows that one of the main presenting symptoms of COVID-19 is cough. But what kind of cough, exactly? The data will be secure, Karlin emphasizes, and the app will not run in the background or monitor other people nearby.
- Yahoo News
Scientists search for coronavirus 'game changer'
As of Tuesday, a database by the National Institutes of Health listed 524 ongoing and proposed clinical trials related to COVID-19.
- Yahoo News
In coronavirus, the 'stable genius' confronts a 'brilliant enemy'
President Trump tries to explain antibiotic resistance on the part of coronavirus, "a brilliant enemy."
- Yahoo News Opinion
Is Trump leading a 'war' against the coronavirus?
While the term “warfare” is a useful metaphor for the kind of mobilization necessary to save lives in this crisis, it’s not a useful way to think about the primary responsibility of ordinary citizens right now, which is to stay at home.
- Yahoo News
Trump touts low oil prices, as well as high oil prices, crediting his 'friend' the Saudi prince
The day after boasting that gasoline prices could fall to under $1 a gallon, President Trump said he had arranged a deal between Russia and Saudi Arabia that would lead to substantially higher oil prices.